# Exq Scheduler [](https://travis-ci.org/activesphere/exq-scheduler) [](https://hex.pm/packages/exq_scheduler)
Exq Scheduler is a [cron](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron) like job scheduler for
[Exq](https://github.com/akira/exq), it's also compatible with Sidekiq
and Resque.
## Installation
defp deps do
[{:exq_scheduler, "~> x.x.x"}]
## Overview
Exq Scheduler pushes jobs into the queue at intervals specified by the
schedule configuration. It is designed to run on more than one machine
for redundancy without causing duplicate jobs to be scheduled.
## Configuration
By default Exq Scheduler will read the configuration from application environment.
### Storage
Exq Scheduler uses redis to store internal state of the scheduler.
It uses `"#{exq_namespace}:sidekiq-scheduler"` for storing scheduler internal metadata.
config :exq_scheduler, :storage,
exq_namespace: "exq" # exq redis namespace
### Redis Client
Exq Scheduler will start a Redis Client under it's supervisor tree. It
supports both [Redix](https://github.com/whatyouhide/redix) and
[RedixSentinel](https://github.com/ananthakumaran/redix_sentinel). Redix
is used by default. The `name` used in the
and config should be the same.
config :exq_scheduler, :redis,
name: ExqScheduler.Redis.Client,
child_spec: {Redix, ["redis://localhost:6379", [name: ExqScheduler.Redis.Client]]}
### Schedules
config :exq_scheduler, :schedules,
signup_report: %{
description: "Send the list of newly signed up users to admin",
cron: "0 * * * *",
class: "SignUpReportWorker",
include_metadata: true,
args: [],
queue: "default"
login_report: %{
cron: "0 * * * *",
class: "LoginReportWorker"
* `cron`: <kbd>required</kbd> Refer
[cron](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron) documentation for
syntax. Time zone of a single schedule can be changed by specifying
the time zone at the end. Example `0 * * * * Asia/Kolkata`.
* `class`: <kbd>required</kbd> Name of the worker class.
* `queue`: Name of the worker queue. Defaults to `"default"`.
* `args`: List of values that should be passed to `perform` method in
worker. Defaults to `[]`.
* `retry`: Number of times Exq should retry the job if it fails. If set to true, Exq will use `max_retries` instead. Defaults to `true`.
* `enabled`: Schedule is enabled if set to true. Defaults to
`true`. Note: if this config value is set, on restart it will
override the any previous value set via Sidekiq web UI. Don't use
this option if you want to enable/disable via Sidekiq web UI.
* `include_metadata`: If set to true, the schedule time in unix time format (example
`{"scheduled_at"=>1527750039.080837}`) will be passed as an
extra argument to `perform` method in worker. Defaults to `nil`.
* `description`: a text that will be shown in sidekiq web
### Misc
Scheduling each and every job at the exact time might not be possible
every time. The node might get restarted, the process might get
descheduled by the OS etc. To solve this exq scheduler by default
schedules any missed jobs in the last 3 hour. This interval can be
configured by changing `missed_jobs_window` value. Note: this config
value should be more than 3 hour to handle daylight saving properly
config :exq_scheduler,
missed_jobs_window: 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
time_zone: "Asia/Kolkata"
* `missed_jobs_window`: Missed jobs interval in milliseconds. Defaults to
`3 * 60 * 60 * 1000`
* `time_zone`: Default time zone for all schedules. Defaults to system
time zone.
## Web
Exq Scheduler is compatible with
web UI. Make sure the `exq_namespace` value and the namespace in
sidekiq are same.
## Example
A Sample Mix project along with sidekiq web UI is avaialbe at
directory to demonstrate the configuration. Sidekiq web interface
requires Ruby to be installed.
To install dependencies
> cd demo
> mix deps.get
> cd sidekiq-ui
> bundle install
To start it
> cd demo
> ./start_demo.sh