### exredis [](https://travis-ci.org/artemeff/exredis) [](https://hex.pm/packages/exredis)
[Redis](http://redis.io) client for Elixir.
### Installation
Add this to the dependencies:
{:exredis, ">= 0.2.4"}
### Configuration
In your applications config.exs file you need to add new section for customizing redis connection.
config :exredis,
host: "",
port: 6379,
password: "",
db: 0,
reconnect: :no_reconnect,
max_queue: :infinity
config :exredis,
url: "redis://user:password@host:1234/10",
reconnect: :no_reconnect,
max_queue: :infinity
### Usage ([web docs](http://hexdocs.pm/exredis/))
__As mixin__
defmodule Pi do
import Exredis
def get, do: start_link |> elem(1) |> query ["GET", "Pi"]
def set, do: start_link |> elem(1) |> query ["SET", "Pi", "3.14"]
# => "OK"
# => "3.14"
defmodule Api do
import Exredis.Api
def set(client), do:
client |> set "key", "value"
def get(client), do:
client |> get "key"
{:ok, client} = Exredis.start_link
client |> Api.set
# => "OK"
client |> Api.get
# => "value"
__Using Exredis.Api with multiple keys__
``` elixir
{:ok, client} = Exredis.start_link
client |> Exredis.Api.sadd("set1", "bar")
# => "1"
client |> Exredis.Api.sadd("set2", ["bar", "foo"])
# => "2"
client |> Exredis.Api.sdiff(["set2", "set1"])
# => ["foo"]
client |> Exredis.Api.sdiffstore("dest", ["set2", "set1"])
# => "1"
__Connect to the Redis server__
{:ok, client} = Exredis.start_link
# or
client = Exredis.start_using_connection_string("redis://")
__Disconnect from the server__
client |> Exredis.stop
__Set & Get__
# set
client |> Exredis.query ["SET", "FOO", "BAR"]
# get
client |> Exredis.query ["GET", "FOO"]
# => "BAR"
__Mset & Mget__
# mset
client |> Exredis.query ["MSET" | ["key1", "value1", "key2", "value2", "key3", "value3"]]
# mget
client |> Exredis.query ["MGET" | ["key1", "key2", "key3"]]
# => ["value1", "value2", "value3"]
# start
client |> Exredis.query ["MULTI"]
# exec
client |> Exredis.query ["SET", "foo", "bar"]
client |> Exredis.query ["SET", "bar", "baz"]
# commit
client |> Exredis.query ["EXEC"]
client |> Exredis.query_pipe [["SET", :a, "1"], ["LPUSH", :b, "3"], ["LPUSH", :b, "2"]]
{:ok, client_sub} = Exredis.Sub.start_link
{:ok, client} = Exredis.start_link
pid = Kernel.self
client_sub |> Exredis.Sub.subscribe "foo", fn(msg) ->
send(pid, msg)
receive do
msg ->
IO.inspect msg
# => {:subscribed, "foo", #PID<0.85.0>}
client |> Exredis.Api.publish "foo", "Hello World!"
receive do
msg ->
IO.inspect msg
# => {:message, "foo", "Hello World!", #PID<0.85.0>}
__Pub/sub by a pattern__
{:ok, client_sub} = Exredis.Sub.start_link
{:ok, client} = Exredis.start_link
pid = Kernel.self
client_sub |> Exredis.Sub.psubscribe "bar_*", fn(msg) ->
send(pid, msg)
receive do
msg ->
IO.inspect msg
# => {:subscribed, "bar_*", #PID<0.104.0>}
client |> Exredis.Api.publish "bar_test", "Hello World!"
receive do
msg ->
IO.inspect msg
# => {:pmessage, "bar_*", "bar_test", "Hello World!", #PID<0.104.0>}
client |> Exredis.Api.script_load "return 1 + 1"
# => "c301e0c5bc3538d2bad3fdbf2e281887e643ada4"
client |> Exredis.Api.evalsha "c301e0c5bc3538d2bad3fdbf2e281887e643ada4", 0, ["key1"], ["argv1"]
# => "2"
defmodule MyScripts do
import Exredis.Script
defredis_script :lua_echo, "return ARGV[1]"
defredis_script :huge_command, file_path: "lua_scripts/huge_command.lua"
client |> MyScripts.lua_echo(["mykey"], ["foo"])
# => "foo"
### Contributing
1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new Pull Request