# ExredisPoolboy
This package is basically a wrapper around [exredis](https://github.com/artemeff/exredis) with [poolboy](https://github.com/devinus/poolboy).
The main goal was to be able to use all Exredis.Api functions which automatically use workers from the worker pool.
## Installation
If [available in Hex](https://hex.pm/docs/publish), the package can be installed as:
1. Add `exredis_poolboy` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
[{:exredis_poolboy, "~> 0.2.0"}]
2. Ensure `exredis_poolboy` is started before your application:
def application do
[applications: [:exredis_poolboy]]
## Usage
1. Add `ExredisPoolboy.PoolSupervisor` to your supervision tree and provide application config key as an argument:
children = [
supervisor(ExredisPoolboy.PoolSupervisor, [config_key: :my_app_redis])
2. Create a module for using the exredis functions:
defmodule MyApp.Redis do
use ExredisPoolboy.FunctionsDefinitions, :my_app_redis
3. Add config:
# The fields for redis matches the exredis configuration
config :my_app_redis, :redis,
host: "redis",
port: 6379,
password: "",
db: 0,
reconnect: :no_reconnect,
max_queue: :infinity
# Any name works here, used to create different connection pools if needed
config :my_app_redis, :pool_name, :my_app_redis_pool
# Optional, defaults to 10
config :my_app_redis, :pool, 20
4. Use just like you would use exredis:
MyApp.Redis.sadd("key", "value")
## Overriding functions
All functions are marked as overridable so you can extend basic functions, for example:
defmodule MyApp.Redis do
use ExredisPoolboy.FunctionsDefinitions, :my_app_redis
def llen(key) do
|> super()
|> String.to_integer()