# ExReg
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A simple process name registry using `:pg2`:
- Depends on the built-in Erlang's `:pg2` app (running by default when starting
the EVM).
- Can be used with `:via` tuples for naming `GenServers`, `Agents`, etc.
- Accepts any valid erlang term as process names.
- Supports several processses with the same name as long as they are not in the
same node. Always picks the node closest to the process that called the
## Small example
Let's say we define the following `Agent` for keeping a counter:
defmodule Counter do
use Agent
def start_link(options \\ []) do
Agent.start_link(fn -> 0 end, options)
def increment(counter) do
Agent.get_and_update(counter, &{&1, &1 + 1})
We can now start it using `ExReg` as name registry:
iex(1)> name = {:via, ExReg, {"metric", :my_counter}}
iex(2)> Counter.start_link(name: name)
{:ok, #PID<0.42.0>}
iex(3)> Counter.increment(name)
iex(4)> Counter.increment(name)
# Distributed systems
In a distributed environment, there are several things to notice:
- `ExReg` allows several processes to share the same name as long as they are
not in the same Erlang node.
- When starting processes a process locally or sending messages exclusively
to a local process:
* The name should match the type `{:local, term()}` e.g:
Counter.start_link({:via, ExReg, {:local, {"metric", :my_counter}}})
* The function `ExReg.local({"metric", :my_counter})` can also be used to
generate the local via tuple.
- When sending messages to a named process, no matter its location:
* The name should be the term itself or `{:global, term()}` e.g:
Counter.increment({:via, ExReg, {"metric", :my_counter}})
* The function `ExReg.global({"metric", :my_counter})` can also be used to
generate the global via tuple.
## Installation
Add `ExReg` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
[{:exreg, "~> 0.1.0"}]
## Author
Alexander de Sousa
## License
`ExReg` is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for further