# EXRequester

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Quickly define your API functions using module attributes, inspired by [retrofit](

## Installation

Add `exrequester` to your mix.exs deps
def deps do
  [{:exrequester, github: "oarrabi/exrequester"}]

## Usage

Start by adding `use EXRequester` in your module

defmodule SampleAPI do
  use EXRequester

This will make `defreq/1` macro available. This macro takes a function name and a set of parametrs as its argument
defmodule SampleAPI do
  use EXRequester

  @get "/path/to/resource/{resource_id}"
  defreq get_picture(resource_id: resource_id)

The above is the simplest form to define an api function.
- `@get` is used to define the relative path that will be fetched
- `{resource_id}` in the url will be replaced with the parameter `resource_id` in the defined function_name

Compiling the above will make the following functions available:
defmodule SampleAPI do
  def client(base_url)
  def get_picture(client, resource_id: resource_id)
- `client/1` is used to set hte base url that will be used in get picture
- `get_picture/2` will execute the url, it takes the client and the parameters specified in the call to `defreq get_picture...`

For example, to call `get_picture` you would do this:
|> SampleAPI.get_picture(resource_id: 123)

### Setting HTTP method
Define a get request endpoint
defmodule SampleAPI do
  use EXRequester

  @get "/path/to/resource/{resource_id}"
  defreq get_resource(resource_id: resource_id)

  @delete "/path/to/resource/{resource_id}"
  defreq delete_picture(resource_id: resource_id)

Now to use it:
|> SampleAPI.get_resource(resource_id: 123)

|> SampleAPI.post_picture(resource_id: 123, body: %{key: value})

This will hit

Available http methods are:
defmodule SampleAPI do
  use EXRequester

  @get "/path/to/resource/{resource_id}"
  defreq get_resource(resource_id: resource_id)

  @put "/path/to/resource/{resource_id}"
  defreq put_resource(resource_id: resource_id)

  @delete "/path/to/resource/{resource_id}"
  defreq delete_resource(resource_id: resource_id)

### Handling request body
Body is handled as a normal parameter
defmodule SampleAPI do
  use EXRequester

  @post "/path/to/resource/{resource_id}"
  defreq post_picture(resource_id: resource_id, body: body)
Body is handled in a special way based on its type.

- String bodyis sent as is
- List and map bodies is Json encode
SampleAPI.post_picture(resource_id: 123, body: ["1", "2"])
SampleAPI.post_picture(resource_id: 123, body: %{key: value})
Will send json:
`[\"1\", \"2\"]`
- Keyword list are currently ignored and will send an empty body

### Handling query
To add query to your api endpoint you would use the following:
defmodule SampleAPI do
  use EXRequester

  @query [:sort, :filter]
  @get "/path/to/resource/{resource_id}"
  defreq get_resource(resource_id: resource_id, sort: sort, filter: filter)

You now can call the function defined with all, some or none of the query values:
|> SampleAPI.get_resource(resource_id: 123)

|> SampleAPI.get_resource(resource_id: 123, sort: "ascending")

|> SampleAPI.get_resource(resource_id: 123, sort: "ascending", filter: "all")

These will hit the following endpoint in order:

### Setting headers

#### Dynamic Headers
defmodule SampleAPI do
  use EXRequester

  @headers [
    Authorization: :auth,
    Key1: :key1
  @get "/path/to/resource/{resource_id}"
  defreq get_resource(resource_id: resource_id, auth: auth, key1: key1)

Now to use it:
|> SampleAPI.get_resource(resource_id: 123, auth1: "1", key1: "2")

This will hit
The `Authorization` and `Key1` headers will also be set.

#### Static Headers
Static headers are defined by using strings, instead of atom, in the `@headers` definition

defmodule SampleAPI do
  use EXRequester

  @headers [
    Authorization: :auth,
    Accept: "application/json",
    "Accept-Language": "en-US"
  @get "/path/to/resource/{resource_id}"
  defreq get_resource(resource_id: resource_id, auth: auth)
Calling `SampleAPI.get_resource` will perform a request that always sends these headers:
Accept: application/json
Accept-Language: en-US

Notice the use of quotes in the `"Accept-Language"`. This is needed since `Accept-Language` is not a valid atom name. In order to solve that, add quotation around atoms.

### Decoding HTTP Response
`EXRequester` allows you to pass an anonymous function to be used as response parser. For example, we can pass a decoder when calling `get_resource`.

|> SampleAPI.get_resource(resource_id: 123, auth: "1", decoder: fn response ->
  # Parse the response and return a new one
  "Response is " <> response.body

The anonymous function passed to decoder will receive an `EXRequester.Response` structure. The anonymous function can parse the response and return a new response.
The returned new parsed response will finally returned from `get_resource`.

In the above example, the return value will be `"Response is The body content"`

## Compile time and runtime safty
### Compile time safty
When definiing functions at compile time, `exrequester` will not compile if you fail to define the correct method.

For example this:
@get "/path/to/resource/{resource_id}"
defreq get_resource()
When it gets compiled, it will return the following descriptive error.
== Compilation error on file lib/http_bin_sample.ex ==
** (ArgumentError) Function definition and url path are not matching:
URL: /path/to/resource/{resource_id}
Function: defreq get_resource()
- Parameters [resource_id] are missing from function definition

Correct definition: defreq get_resource(resource_id: resource_id)

The error will have the correct function definition:
defreq get_resource(resource_id: resource_id)
### Handle response
Hitting any request will return a `EXRequester.Response` strucutre.
This structure contains `headers`, `status_code` and `body`

The body will not be parsed and will be returned as is.

### Runtime safty
When calling the wrong method at runtime, `exrequester` will fail with a descriptive message.

For example:
@get "/path/to/resource/{resource_id}"
defreq get_resource(resource_id: resource_id)
If you wrongly call the method as:
|> AMod.get_resource(key: 123)

The following error will be raised:
** (RuntimeError) You are trying to call the wrong function
get_resource(key: key)
please instead call:
get_resource(resource_id: resource_id)
The error will inform you about the correct method invocation

## Future improvments
- Ability to set the URL in the function definition instead