# Exsftpd
SFTP server which do not allow shell access and has a separate root directory
for each user.
## Installation
The package can be installed by adding `exsftpd` to your list of dependencies in
def deps do
{:exsftpd, "~> 0.8.0"}
Next add a configuration entry for `:exsftpd, Exsftpd.Server`:
config :exsftpd, Exsftpd.Server,
port: 2220,
#root dir for <someuser>: /tmp/users/files/<someuser>
user_root_dir: "/tmp/users/files",
#look for authorized_keys at /tmp/users/<username>/.ssh
user_auth_dir: "/tmp/users",
#Where to look for ssh host keys
system_dir: "/tmp/ssh",
event_handler: fn(event) -> IO.puts("Event: #{inspect event} ") end
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