# Exshome
DIY Elixir-based smart home.
## System dependencies
- [MPV](
## Project goals
- Extensibility
- Test coverage
- Should support different Single Board Computers
## Getting started with development
- Install dependencies with `mix deps.get`
- Setup database `mix ecto.setup`
- Start Phoenix endpoint with `mix phx.server` or inside IEx with `iex -S mix phx.server`. Now you can visit [`localhost:4000`](http://localhost:4000) from your browser.
## Launching as a script
You can use `bin/exshome` to start an application. It is an executable Elixir script. It downloads Exshome and starts the application.
You can download the latest version here:
chmod +x exshome
This script supports these environment variables:
- `EXSHOME_VERSION` - Exshome version. You can get the latest available version [at](
- `EXSHOME_HOST` - Host to listnen on, default is "".
- `EXSHOME_PORT` - Application port, default is "5000".
- `EXSHOME_ROOT` - Path where all application data resides, default is "${HOME}/.exshome".
## Caveats
- [UNIX domain socket length is limited to about 100 bytes]( Application uses these sockets to communicate with MPV. It will not work if the path is larger.
## Security considerations
Right now Exshome is designed to run in a home network, so it has no auth. It can be dangerous to open it for a whole Internet.