An Elixir reloader. When your code changes, ExSync automatically recompiles it.
Supports recompiling `:path` dependencies without additional configuration. Also
supports a `:reload_callback` which is an MFA (Module Function Arguments) that
will be called after each time the code is recompiled.
## System Support
ExSync depends on [FileSystem](https://github.com/falood/file_system) which has
some required dependencies.
## Usage
1. Create a new application:
mix new my_app
2. Add exsync to your `mix.exs` dependencies:
def deps do
{:exsync, "~> 0.4", only: :dev},
NOTE: if you have an umbrella application then add ExSync to one the apps in the umbrella.
## Config
All configuration for this library is handled via the application environment.
`:addition_dirs` - Additional directories to monitor
For example, to monitor the `priv` directory, add this to your `config.exs`:
config :exsync, addition_dirs: ["/priv"]
`:extensions` - List of file extensions to watch for changes. Defaults to: `[".erl", ".hrl", ".ex", ".eex"]`
`:extra_extensions` - List of additional extensions to watch for changes (cannot be used with `:extensions`)
For example, to watch `.js` and `.css` files add this to your `config.exs`:
config :exsync, extra_extensions: [".js", ".css"]
`:logging_enabled` - Set to false to disable logging (default true)
`:reload_callback` - A callback [MFA](https://codereviewvideos.com/blog/what-is-mfa-in-elixir/) that is called when a set of files are done reloading. Can be used to implement your own special handling to react to file reloads.
`:reload_timeout` - Amount of time to wait in milliseconds before triggering the `:reload_callback`. Defaults to 150ms.
For example, to call `MyApp.MyModule.handle_reload()` add this to your `config.exs`:
config :exsync,
reload_timeout: 75,
reload_callback: {MyApp.MyModule, :handle_reload, []}