# Aws Config Provider
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Flexible Config Provider for e.g. AWS Parameter Store/Secrets Manager

Fetch your configuration at the start of the application from AWS Parameter Store
or the Secrets Manager. The format of your secrets can be json/toml or any other format. There's also flexibility in how the secrets are applied to your config.

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `ext_config_provider` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:ext_config_provider, "~> 1.0.1"}

The AWS Parameter Store/Secrets Manager are packaged config providers. They need ExAws to be configured and have the right IAM permissions to work.

## Adding a config provider

  def project do
      app: :example,
      releases: [
        example: [
          config_providers: [{ExtConfigProvider, [path: "parameter_name"]}]

The config provider can take several options. See `ExtConfigProvider.init/1`

A macro can also be used to build a config provider

  defmodule Example.ConfigProvider do
    use ExtConfigProvider,
      parser: ExtConfigProvider.Parser.String,
      transformer: ExtConfigProvider.Transformer.Value,
      merge_strategy: ExtConfigProvider.MergeStrategy.Path,
      config_path: [:app, :secret]
You can add this config provider in the usual fashion:

  releases: [
    example: [
      config_providers: [{Example.ConfigProvider, [path: "parameter_name"]}]

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