# ExtrText
*ExtrText* is an Elixir library for extracting text and meta information from `.docx`, `.xlsx` and `.pptx` files.
## Usage
iex> docx = File.read!("example.docx")
iex> {:ok, texts} = ExtrText.get_texts(docx)
iex> texts
["Paragraph 1", "Paragraph 2", "Paragraph 3"]
iex> {:ok, metadata} = ExtrText.get_metadata(docx)
iex> metadata
created: ~U[2021-11-19 22:25:20Z],
creator: "John Doe",
description: "",
keywords: "",
language: "ja-JP",
last_modified_by: "John Doe",
modified: ~U[2021-11-22 21:24:43Z],
revision: 2,
subject: "",
title: "Example"
## Installation
Add `:extr_text` to your `mix.exs`:
defp deps do
{:extr_text, "~> 0.3.1"}
Then, run `mix deps.get`.
## Limitations
* The function `ExtrText.get_texts/1` extracts numbers and dates without format from an Excel file.
For example, even if the date is displayed as `3-Jan-20` on the Excel screen,
it will be extracted as `2020-01-03`.
## Acknowledgments
This project is inspired by [ranguba/chupa-text](https://github.com/ranguba/chupa-text),
a Ruby gem package.
## Author
[Tsutomu Kuroda](<mailto:t-kuroda@coregenik.com>)
## License
[MIT licens](./MIT_LICENSE.txt)