# Extractly
It has been generated from the template `README.md.eex` by Extractly (https://github.com/RobertDober/extractly.git)
and any changes you make in this file will most likely be lost
## Mix task to Transform EEx templates in the context of the `Extractly` module.
This tool serves two purposes.
1. A simple CLI to basicly `EEx.eval_file/2`
1. Access to the `Extractly` module (available as binding `xtra` too)
1. Access to the name of the rendered template with the `template` binding
The `Extractly` module gives easy access to Elixir metainformation of the application using
the `extractly` package, notably, _module_ and _function_ documentation.
This is BTW the raison d'être of this package, simple creation of a `README.md` file with very simple
access to the projects hex documentation.
Thusly hexdoc and Github will always be synchronized.
To see that in action just look at the [`README.md.eex`](README.md.eex) file of this package and compare
with what you are reading here.
Example Template:
Some text
<%= xtra.functiondoc("M.shiny_function/2") %>
<%= xtra.moduledoc("String") %>
More text
### Usage:
mix xtra [options]... [template]
#### Options:
--help | -h Prints short help information to stdout and exits.
--quiet | -q No output to stdout or stderr
--version | -v Prints the current version to stdout and exits.
--verbose Prints additional output to stderr
--output filename
The name of the file the rendered template is written to, defaults to the templates'
name, without the suffix `.eex`
#### Argument:
template, filename of the `EEx` template to use, defaults to `"README.md.eex"`
### API
### Extractly.moduledoc/1
Returns docstring of a module (or nil)
### Extractly.functiondoc/2
Returns docstring of a function (or nil)
iex(1)> Extractly.functiondoc("Extractly.moduledoc/1")
[ " Returns docstring of a module (or nil)",
" Ex:",
" Extractly.moduledoc(\"Extractly\")",
] |> Enum.join("\n")
We can also pass a list of functions to get their docs concatenated
iex(2)> out = Extractly.functiondoc(["Extractly.moduledoc/1", "Extactly.functiondoc/2"])
...(2)> # as we are inside the docstring we required we would need a quine to check for the
...(2)> # output, let us simplify
...(2)> String.split(out, "\n") |> Enum.take(5)
[ " Returns docstring of a module (or nil)",
" Ex:",
" Extractly.moduledoc(\"Extractly\")",
If all the functions are in the same module the following form can be used
iex(3)> out = Extractly.functiondoc(["moduledoc/1", "functiondoc/2"], module: "Extractly")
...(3)> String.split(out, "\n") |> hd()
" Returns docstring of a module (or nil)"
However it is convenient to add a markdown headline before each functiondoc, especially in these cases,
it can be done by indicating the `headline: level` option
iex(4)> out = Extractly.functiondoc(["moduledoc/1", "functiondoc/2"], module: "Extractly", headline: 2)
...(4)> String.split(out, "\n") |> Enum.take(3)
[ "## Extractly.moduledoc/1",
" Returns docstring of a module (or nil)"]
Often times we are interested by **all** public functiondocs...
iex(5)> out = Extractly.functiondoc(:all, module: "Extractly", headline: 2)
...(5)> String.split(out, "\n") |> Enum.take(3)
[ "## Extractly.do_not_edit_warning/1",
" Emits a comment including a message not to edit the created file, as it will be recreated from this template."]
### Extractly.macrodoc/1
Returns docstring of a macro (or nil)
Same naming convention for macros as for functions.
## Installation
If [available in Hex](https://hex.pm/docs/publish), the package can be installed
by adding `extractly` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:extractly, "~> 0.1.5"}
Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](https://github.com/elixir-lang/ex_doc)
and published on [HexDocs](https://hexdocs.pm). Once published, the docs can
be found at [https://hexdocs.pm/extractly](https://hexdocs.pm/extractly).
## Author
Copyright © 2018,9 Robert Dober, robert.dober@gmail.com,
Same as Elixir, which is Apache License v2.0. Please refer to [LICENSE](LICENSE) for details.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0