# Extreme.System
## Aggregates
Aggregates are loaded into memory on demand, meaning once the command is dispatched to aggregate.
1. First, aggregates are created by using `Extreme.System.GenAggregate`. Here is an example of an aggregate:
defmodule ExtremeSystem.Example.Users.Aggregates.User do
use Extreme.System.GenAggregate
alias ExtremeSystem.Example.Events, as: Event
import Ecto.Changeset
defmodule State,
do: defstruct GenAggregate.state_params ++
[:id, :name]
## Client API
def start_link(ttl \\ 2_000, opts \\ []),
do: GenAggregate.start_link(__MODULE__, ttl, opts)
def new(server, id, cmd),
do: exec(server, {:new, id, cmd})
def update_profile(server, cmd),
do: exec(server, {:update_profile, cmd})
## Server Callbacks
def init(ttl),
do: {:ok, struct(State, initial_state(ttl))}
### Command handling
def handle_exec({:new, id, cmd}, from, state) do
events = [
%Event.User.Created{id: id, email: cmd["email"]},
%Event.User.ProfileSet{id: id, name: cmd["name"]}
{:block, from, {:events, events}, state}
def handle_exec({_cmd, %{"id" => id, "version" => expected_version}}, from, %{id: id, version: current_version}=state) when expected_version != current_version,
do: {:noblock, from, {:error, :wrong_expected_version, current_version, expected_version}, state}
def handle_exec({:update_profile, %{"id" => id, "name" => name}}, from, %{id: id, name: name}=state),
do: {:noblock, from, {:ok, state.version}, state}
def handle_exec({:update_profile, %{"id" => id}=cmd}, from, %{id: id}=state) do
case _update_profile(cmd, state) do
{:ok, events} -> {:block, from, {:events, events}, state}
other -> {:noblock, from, other, state}
def handle_exec({cmd, payload}, from, state),
do: {:noblock, from, {:error, :conflict, "Can't execute #{inspect cmd} with: #{inspect payload}"}, state}
defp _update_profile(cmd, state) do
case _validate_profile_update(cmd) do
%{valid?: false}=changeset -> {:error, changeset}
%{changes: data} ->
events = [
%Event.User.ProfileSet{id: state.id, name: data.name}
{:ok, events}
defp _validate_profile_update(cmd) do
blank = %{}
types = %{name: :string}
{blank, types}
|> cast(cmd, Map.keys(types))
|> validate_required([:name])
|> validate_length(:name, min: 6)
### Apply events
defp apply_event(%Event.User.Created{}=event, state) do
id: event.id
defp apply_event(%Event.User.ProfileSet{}=event, state) do
name: event.name
defp apply_event(_, state), do: state
2. Next, we need to register aggregates with a scheduler, ie. to associate an aggregate with an event stream name. We make use of `Extreme.System.CommandConfiguration`:
defmodule ExtremeSystem.Example.Users.CommandConfiguration do
alias ExtremeSystem.Example.Users.Aggregates
use Extreme.System.CommandConfiguration, aggregates: [{Aggregates.User, "ex_users"},
{Aggregates.Company, "ex_company"}]
3. Next we need to create a message handler, that will dispatch commands to appropriate aggregates. For this we use `Extreme.System.MessageHandler`. To send a message to an existing aggregate we use `with_aggregate`, while to send a message to a new aggregate (e.g. creation) we use `with_new_aggregate`. The former assumes there is at least one event persisted in EventStore that is related to your aggregate otherwise you will receive an error:
defmodule ExtremeSystem.Example.MessageHandlers.Users do
alias ExtremeSystem.Example.Users, as: App
use Extreme.System.MessageHandler, prefix: App,
aggregate_mod: App.Aggregates.User
import ExtremeSystem.Example.MessageHandlers.ResponseHelper, only: [respond_on: 1]
def new(cmd) do
with_new_aggregate("Registering new user", cmd, fn {:ok, pid, id} ->
aggregate_mod().new(pid, id, cmd)
end) |> respond_on
def update_profile(%{"id" => id}=cmd) do
with_aggregate("Updating profile for user #{inspect id}", id, fn {:ok, pid} ->
aggregate_mod().update_profile(pid, cmd)
end) |> respond_on
4. To route a message to appropriate message handler, we need to use `Extreme.System.Facade`:
defmodule ExtremeSystem.Example.Users.Facade do
use Extreme.System.Facade, default_cache: 1_000
alias ExtremeSystem.Example.MessageHandlers, as: MsgHandler
route :new, MsgHandler.Users
route :update_profile, MsgHandler.Users
5. We can then register this facade globally:
defmodule ExtremeSystem.Example.Users do
alias ExtremeSystem.Example.Users, as: App
alias Extreme.System, as: ExSys
use ExSys.Application
def _start do
import Supervisor.Spec, warn: false
extreme_settings = Application.get_env(:users, :extreme)
children = [
supervisor( ExSys.CommandSup, [App.CommandConfiguration, App, extreme_settings]),
supervisor( ExSys.FacadeSup, [App.Facade, {:global, Example.UsersFacade}]),
{:ok, children: children, name: __MODULE__}
6. And then call when we need it:
res = :global.whereis_name(facade)
GenServer.call(res, command, timeout: 2_000)
## Installation
If [available in Hex](https://hex.pm/docs/publish), the package can be installed as:
1. Add `extreme_system` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
[{:extreme_system, "~> 0.2.14"}]
## Example
An example system that uses `Extreme.System` can be found here: https://github.com/exponentially/extreme_system_example