<p align="center">
  <img src="./exw3_logo.jpg"/>

## Installation

  1. Add exw3 to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

        def deps do
          [{:exw3, "~> 0.0.1"}]

  2. Ensure exw3 is started before your application:

        def application do
          [applications: [:exw3]]

## Overview

ExW3 is a wrapper around ethereumex to provide a high level, and user friendly json rpc api. It currently only supports Http.

## Usage

Ensure you have an ethereum node to connect to at the specified url in your config. Any easy local testnet to use is ganache-cli:

Make sure your config includes:
config :ethereumex,
  url: "http://localhost:8545"

Currently ExW3 supports a handful of json rpc commands. Mostly just the useful ones. If it doesn't support those specific commands you can always use the Ethereumex commands.

iex(1)> accounts = ExW3.accounts()                                        
iex(2)> ExW3.balance(, 0))                                      
iex(3)> ExW3.block_number()            
iex(4)> simple_storage_abi = ExW3.load_abi("test/examples/build/SimpleStorage.abi")
  "get" => %{
    "constant" => true,
    "inputs" => [],
    "name" => "get",
    "outputs" => [%{"name" => "", "type" => "uint256"}],
    "payable" => false,
    "stateMutability" => "view",
    "type" => "function"
  "set" => %{
    "constant" => false,
    "inputs" => [%{"name" => "_data", "type" => "uint256"}],
    "name" => "set",
    "outputs" => [],
    "payable" => false,
    "stateMutability" => "nonpayable",
    "type" => "function"
iex(5)> contract_address = ExW3.Contract.deploy("test/examples/build/SimpleStorage.bin", %{from:, 0), gas: 150000})
iex(6)> storage_pid =, contract_address) 
iex(7)> ExW3.Contract.method(storage_pid, "get")
{:ok, 0}
iex(8)> ExW3.Contract.method(storage_pid, "set", [1], %{from:, 0)})
{:ok, "0xb8a6ee58c88efcea775452a68fac20e47bda6ca933aa25dd85c4a97b0cfbf43f"}
iex(9)> ExW3.Contract.method(storage_pid, "get")                          
{:ok, 1}

For bonus style points you can use snake case keywords for the method names. For example:

ExW3.Contract.method(pid, "fooBar")

is the same as:

ExW3.Contract.method(pid, :foo_bar)

## Compiling solidity

Ensure you have solc installed:

solc --version

Then if you've made changes to the example contracts you can compile them like this:
mix solc