# exyt-dlp
simple **elixir** wrapper for the great **yt-dlp**:
# pre-requisites:
setup and install yt-dlp in your system:
# how to use:
check installation:
`iex> Exyt.check_setup()`
`"Installed yt-dlp version: 2023.07.06\n"`
`iex> url = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaW_jenozKc"`
`iex> Exyt.download(url, %{output: "/tmp/test/", format: "mp4", quality: :fhd})`
or with default params(best quality available, .webv format, /tmp/exyt/ output)
`iex> Exyt.download(url)`
NOTE: :best quality will always return a .webm file.
and you can find your downloaded file at: /tmp/exyt/
def download(url, opts \\ %{})
url :: valid yotube string opts :: map
options: :quality :: (:hd | :fhd | :qhd | :uhd | :best) NOTE: default is :best
and :best always will generate a webm file., :output :: directory to save
downloaded files :format :: ("webm", "mp4", "m4a")
## Examples
iex> url = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaW_jenozKc"
iex> Exyt.download(url, %{output: "/tmp/test/", format: "mp4", quality: :fhd})
`"[youtube] Extracting URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaW_jenozKc
[youtube] BaW_jenozKc: Downloading webpage [youtube] BaW_jenozKc: Downloading
ios player API JSON [youtube] BaW_jenozKc: Downloading android pla yer API JSON
[youtube] BaW_jenozKc: Downloading m3u8 information [info] BaW_jenozKc:
Downloading 1 format`
-test and add support to windows/mac;
-test and add support do yt-dlp advanced features(aria);
-format output list_formats()