## exyt-dlp - [docs](
simple **Elixir** wrapper for the great [**yt-dlp**](

## usage
all options available to yt-dlp can be passed as as keywords lists:

options = ["extract-audio", "audio-format": "mp3"]
iex>"", options)
{:ok, filename}

options = ["extract-audio", "audio-format": "mp3"]
iex>"", options, :async)
{:ok, PID}


## pre-requisites:  
setup and install yt-dlp in your system: [instructions](

## install:  
1. add `{:exyt_dlp, "~> 0.1.5"}` to your mix.exs file;
2. mix deps.get
3. check if everything is up and running:
iex> Exyt.check_setup
"Installed yt-dlp version: 2024.07.16\n"


3. take a look at [complete documentation and list of available functions]( with usage examples.

## contributing
1. fork the repo
2. create your feature branch (`git checkout -b feature/branch`)
3. commit your changes (`git commit -am added feature x`)
4. push to the branch (`git push origin feature/branch`)
5. create a new pull request