# Exyz
Provides a Z-combinator (but no Y-combinator) macro and function to facilitate
recursive anonymous functions.
## What is a Z-combinator?
It's a strict fixed point combinator.
### What's a strict fixed point combinator
It's a fixed point combinator for strict languages.
#### What's a fixed point combinator
It's a higher order function thats result, when used as input again, is the same.
#### What?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
## Usage
With the function:
iex(1)> factorial = Exyz.z_combinator fn(f) ->
...(1)> fn
...(1)> (1) -> 1
...(1)> (n) -> n * f.(n - 1)
...(1)> end
...(1)> end
iex(2)> factorial.(5) == 120
Or save two lines with the macro:
iex(1)> factorial = Exyz.z fn
...(1)> (1) -> 1
...(1)> (n) -> n * this.(n - 1)
...(1)> end
iex(2)> factorial.(5) == 120