# facebook.ex

Facebook Graph API Wrapper written in Elixir.
Please note, this is very much a work in progress. Feel free to contribute using pull requests.

## Installation

### mix.exs

* Clone repo
* `Run mix deps.get`
* To give it a try, run `iex -S mix`

{:facebook,"0.1.0",[github: "mweibel/facebook.ex"]}

Visit []( or
[]( for package manager infos.

## API

###[fields: "yourfields"], "access_token", options \\ []) -> {:json, data}
Basic user infos of the logged in user (specified by the access_token). /1 takes either a list or string.

### Facebook.myLikes(access_token, options \\ []) -> {:json, data}
Likes of the currently logged in user (specified by the access_token)

### Facebook.permissions(user_id, access_token, options \\ []) -> {:json, data}
Retrieves a list of granted permissions the user has given for this application.

### Facebook.set_appsecret(appsecret) -> {:ok}
[Facebook recommends securing requests using an appsecret proof.](
Set the appsecret if you would like to do so.