# FactoryEx
### Installation
[Available in Hex](https://hex.pm/packages/factory_ex), the package can be installed
by adding `factory_ex` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:factory_ex, "~> 0.1.0"}
Documentation can be found at <https://hexdocs.pm/factory_ex>.
### Using
For defining your own factories just implement `schema/0`, `repo/0` and
`build/0` callback e.g:
defmodule MyFactory do
@behaviour FactoryEx
def schema, do: MySchema
def repo, do: MyRepo
def build(params \\ %{}) do
default = %{
foo: 21,
bar: 42
Map.merge(default, params)
And then using it in your tests as:
# For getting a default parameter map.
# For getting a default parameter map with a modification.
FactoryEx.build(MyFactory, foo: 42)
# For getting a default parameter map and not validating the changeset
FactoryEx.build(MyFactory, [foo: 42], validate?: false)
# For inserting a default schema.
# For inserting a default schema with a modification.
FactoryEx.insert!(MyFactory, foo: 42)
### Using FactoryEx.SchemaCounter
In order to avoid duplicate data on fields and guarentee unique data, we can use
`FactoryEx.SchemaCounter` to generate unique integers to append to our fields.
For example our factory could look like the following:
defmodule MyFactory do
@behaviour FactoryEx
def schema, do: MySchema
def repo, do: MyRepo
def build(params \\ %{}) do
default = %{
foo: FactoryEx.SchemaCounter.next("my_factory_foo"),
bar: FactoryEx.SchemaCounter.next("my_factory_bar")
Map.merge(default, params)
To utilize `FactoryEx.SchemaCounter`, we must call `FactoryEx.SchemaCounter.start()` in the `test/test_helper.exs` file.
### Generating Factories
FactoryEx comes with a helpful mix command to generate factories into our application
$ mix factory_ex.gen --repo FactoryEx.Support.Repo FactoryEx.Support.Accounts.User
$ mix factory_ex.gen --repo FactoryEx.Support.Repo FactoryEx.Support.{Accounts.{User,Role},Authentication.{Token,Session}}
To read more info run `mix factory_ex.gen`