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# FakeRedis
**FakeRedis recreates the Redis API using only native Erlang/Elixir features, especially [ETS](http://erlang.org/doc/man/ets.html#lookup_element-3).**
This package recreates the Redis API for development and testing purposes, ignoring thread safety and using Erlang Term Storage and no outside dependencies. This can be useful in development and testing environments because it removes the dependency on an actual Redis instance.
## Usage
Commands can be used either through command/2 or as functions. Per elixir standard, functions ending in a bang (!) will throw an exception if something goes wrong, while those without will return standard :ok/:error format:
Command behavior matches the [Redis command API](https://redis.io/commands/), using elixir list, map, and bitstring types to replace the Redis array, hash, and string types respectively.
1. Using named command functions without bang:
iex(1)> {status, result} = FakeRedis.set(connection, ["key", "value"])
{:ok, "OK"}
iex(1)> {status, result} = FakeRedis.get(connection, "key")
{:ok, "value"}
2. Using named command functions with bang:
iex(1)> result = FakeRedis.set!(connection, ["key", "value"])
iex(1)> result = FakeRedis.get!(connection, "key")
3. Using command/2 (without bang):
iex(1)> {status, result} = FakeRedis.command(connection, ~w(SET key value))
{:ok, "OK"}
iex(1)> {status, result} = FakeRedis.command(connection, ~w(GET key value))
{:ok, "value"}
4. Using command!/2 (with bang):
iex(1)> result = FakeRedis.command!(connection, ~w(SET key value))
iex(1)> result = FakeRedis.command!(connection, ~w(GET key value))
Supported commands are `keys`, `set`, `setnx`, `setex`, `psetex`, `mset`, `msetnx`, `get`, `getset`, `mget`, `expire`, `expireat`, `pexpire`, `pexpireat`, `ttl`, `pttl`, `exists`, `del`, `persist`, `incr`, `incrby`, `decr`, `decrby`, `strlen`, `append`, `getrange`, `setrange`, `hget`, `hgetall`, `hmget`, `hkeys`, `hvals`, `hexists`, `hlen`, `hdel`, `hset`, `hsetnx`, `hincrby`, `lpushall`, `lpush`, `lpushx`, `rpush`, `rpushx`, `llen`, `lpop`, `rpop`, `rpoplpush`, `lset`, `lindex`, `linsert`, `ltrim`, `lrem`.
## Installation
This package can be installed as:
1. Add `fakeredis` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
[{:fakeredis, "~> 0.2.0"}]
2. Ensure `fakeredis` is started before your application:
def application do
[applications: [:fakeredis]]