
defmodule FaktoryWorker.Testing do
  @moduledoc """
  Test utilities for asserting and refuting whether jobs are enqueued,
  as well as performing jobs as they will be performed when pulled off
  the queue at runtime.

  See [Sandbox Testing](sandbox-testing.html) to read more.

  import ExUnit.Assertions, only: [assert: 2]

  alias FaktoryWorker.Sandbox
  alias FaktoryWorker.JobSupervisor

  @doc """
  Perform the job in the same way that it will be performed when pulled
  from the queue at runtime. Specifically, this means:

  - work will be done in a separate process, under a `Task.Supervisor`
  - job arguments will go through serialization/deserialization

  Blocks until the job has completed, returning the result of executing
  the `perform` function. If the job raises or exits, the return value
  will be `{:error, "raise or exit reason"}`. If the job times out
  (execution time exceeds the job's `:reserve_for` duration), `{:error, :timeout}`
  will be returned instead of the normal result.

  Note that `ExUnit.CaptureLog`, `ExUnit.CaptureIO`, and friends will
  **not** work since the job process is not linked to the caller.

  ## Examples

      # arguments are optional for 0-arity jobs

      # single arguments may be passed directly
      perform_job(MyJob, 123)

      # multiple arguments in a list
      perform_job(MyJob, ["foo", "bar"])

      # you can pass options as well
      perform_job(MyJob, ["arg1"], reserve_for: 1_500)

      # if you need to pass options to a 0-arity job, you must
      # pass an empty list for arguments
      perform_job(MyJob, [], reserve_for: 1_500)

  @spec perform_job(module(), term() | [term()], Keyword.t()) :: Macro.t()
  defmacro perform_job(worker_mod, arg_or_args \\ [], opts \\ []) do
    quote do
      alias FaktoryWorker.Worker
      alias FaktoryWorker.Sandbox

      args = Sandbox.encode_args(unquote(arg_or_args))

      %Task{ref: job_ref} =

      timeout_duration =
        |> Keyword.get_lazy(:reserve_for, &Worker.faktory_default_reserve_for/0)
        |> Worker.reserve_timeout_duration()

      receive do
        {^job_ref, resp} ->
          Process.demonitor(job_ref, [:flush])

        {:DOWN, ^job_ref, :process, _pid, {%{message: reason}, _stacktrace}} ->
          {:error, reason}

        {:DOWN, ^job_ref, :process, _pid, reason} ->
          {:error, reason}
        timeout_duration ->
          {:error, :timeout}

  @doc """
  Resets the queue history for all job modules.

  Generally, this should be called in the `setup` block for any tests that
  use `assert_enqueued/2` or `refute_enqueued/2`, to ensure that test cases
  don't pollute each other.

  This will reset the history for _all_ job modules; if you need finer-grained
  control over which job modules are reset (generally you shouldn't), use
  `FaktoryWorker.Sandbox.reset/1` instead.

  If you don't need to perform any other setup, you can use the atom shorthand

      setup :reset_queues

  @spec reset_queues :: :ok
  def reset_queues(_context \\ %{}), do: Sandbox.reset()

  @doc """
  Assert that a job was enqueued for the given job module, optionally matching
  a set of argument/option filters. By default, this assertion will fail if more
  than one matching job is found. If you want to assert that multiple matching
  jobs are enqueued, you can use the `:count` option. If you want the assertion
  to pass if _at least_ one matching job is enqueued, pass `count: :any` (this
  should generally be discouraged in favor of a specific count, to help catch
  accidental duplicate enqueues).

  ## Examples

      defmodule MyApp.Test do
        use ExUnit.Case

        import FaktoryWorker.Testing

        setup :reset_queues

        test "enqueues" do

          # assert that _any_ job was enqueued for this module
          assert_enqueued MyApp.Job

          # assert that a specific job was enqueued
          assert_enqueued MyApp.Job, args: ["argument"]

          # assert on multiple arguments (order matters)
          assert_enqueued MyApp.Job, args: ["foo", "bar"]

          # assert that two matching jobs were enqueued
          assert_enqueued MyApp.Job, args: ["foo", "bar"], count: 2

          # assert on serializable arguments
          assert_enqueued MyApp.Job, args: [%MyApp.User{...}]

          # assert on options (only those explicitly passed to `perform_async`)
          assert_enqueued MyApp.Job, opts: [reserve_for: 1_500]

          # assert on multiple filters
          assert_enqueued MyApp.Job, args: ["foo", "bar"], opts: [custom: %{}]

  @spec assert_enqueued(module(), args: list(), opts: Keyword.t()) :: true
  def assert_enqueued(worker_mod, filters \\ []) do
    desired_count = filters[:count] || 1

    err_message = fn reason ->
      Expected #{describe_count(desired_count)} job(s) to be enqueued matching:

      #{describe_filters(worker_mod, filters)}

      but #{reason}. These jobs were enqueued for #{inspect(worker_mod)}:


    matching_job_count = worker_mod |> Sandbox.find_jobs(filters) |> Enum.count()

    case desired_count do
      :any ->
        assert matching_job_count > 0, err_message.("didn't find any")

      _ ->
        assert matching_job_count == desired_count,
               err_message.("found #{matching_job_count} instead")

  @doc """
  Assert that a job was **not** enqueued for the given job module, optionally
  specifying a set of argument/option filters.

  ## Examples

      defmodule MyApp.Test do
        use ExUnit.Case

        import FaktoryWorker.Testing

        setup :reset_queues

        test "doesn't enqueue" do
          # refute that _any_ job was enqueued for this module
          refute_enqueued MyApp.Job

          # refute that a specific job was enqueued
          refute_enqueued MyApp.Job, args: ["argument"]

          # refute on multiple arguments (order matters)
          refute_enqueued MyApp.Job, args: ["foo", "bar"]

          # refute on serializable arguments
          refute_enqueued MyApp.Job, args: [%MyApp.User{...}]

          # refute on options (only those explicitly passed to `perform_async`)
          refute_enqueued MyApp.Job, opts: [reserve_for: 1_500]

          # refute on multiple filters
          refute_enqueued MyApp.Job, args: ["foo", "bar"], opts: [custom: %{}]

  @spec refute_enqueued(module(), args: list(), opts: Keyword.t()) :: false
  def refute_enqueued(worker_mod, filters \\ []) do

    jobs = Sandbox.find_jobs(worker_mod, filters)

    err_message = """
    Expected 0 jobs to be enqueued matching:

    #{describe_filters(worker_mod, filters)}

    but found #{length(jobs)}.


    assert Enum.empty?(jobs), err_message


  # ---

  @spec validate_filters!(Keyword.t()) :: :ok
  defp validate_filters!(filters) do
    if not Keyword.keyword?(filters) do
      raise """
      assert_enqueued/refute_enqueued accept a keyword list of filters as
      the second argument, containing zero or more of the following keys:

        - :args
        - :opts
        - :count

      received #{inspect(filters)}

    Enum.each(filters, &validate_filter!/1)

  @spec validate_filter!({:args | :opts, term()}) :: true
  defp validate_filter!({:args, arg_filter}) do
    err_message = """
    Expected a list of job arguments, but got:


    Make sure to pass a _list_ of arguments, even if there's only one:

      assert_enqueued(MyApp.Job, args: ["single-argument"])


    assert is_list(arg_filter), err_message

  defp validate_filter!({:opts, opt_filter}) do
    err_message = """
    Expected a keyword list of job options, but got:


    Make sure to pass a keyword list:

      assert_enqueued(MyApp.Job, opts: [queue: "another-queue"])


    assert Keyword.keyword?(opt_filter), err_message

  defp validate_filter!({:count, :any}), do: true

  defp validate_filter!({:count, 0}) do
    raise """
    Expected count to be greater than 0. If you want to assert that
    _no matching jobs_ are enqueued, use `refute_enqueued` instead.

  defp validate_filter!({:count, count}) do
    assert count > 0, "Expected count to be greater than zero, but got #{count}"

  defp validate_filter!({key, _filter}) do
    raise """
    Received unexpected job filter #{inspect(key)}. Valid filters include:

      - :args
      - :opts
      - :count

    If you were trying to filter by an option, make sure to nest the filter
    under the `:opts` key, like so:

      assert_enqueued(MyApp.Job, opts: [key: "value"])


  @spec describe_filters(module(), Keyword.t()) :: String.t()
  defp describe_filters(worker_mod, filters) do
    |> Keyword.put(:worker, worker_mod)
    |> inspect()

  @spec describe_available_jobs(module()) :: String.t()
  defp describe_available_jobs(worker_mod) do
    |> Sandbox.all_jobs()
    |> describe_jobs()

  @spec describe_jobs([Sandbox.job()]) :: String.t()
  def describe_jobs(jobs) do
    |> Enum.with_index(1)
    |> Enum.join("\n")

  @spec describe_job({Sandbox.job(), pos_integer()}) :: String.t()
  defp describe_job({job, index}) do
    "  #{index}: ##{inspect(job.worker)}<args: #{inspect(job.args)}, opts: #{inspect(job.opts)}>"

  @spec describe_count(pos_integer() | :any | nil) :: String.t()
  defp describe_count(nil), do: "exactly 1"
  defp describe_count(:any), do: "at least one"
  defp describe_count(count), do: "exactly #{count}"