# FastNgram

A fast and unicode aware letter & word N-gram library written in Elixir.

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `fast_ngram` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:fast_ngram, "~> 1.0"}

## Usage
iex> FastNgram.letter_ngrams("abcde", 2)
["ab", "bc", "cd", "de"]
iex> FastNgram.letter_ngrams("¥ · € · $", 3)
["¥ ·", " · ", "· €", " € ", "€ ·", " · ", "· $"]
iex> FastNgram.letter_ngrams("", 2)
iex> FastNgram.word_ngrams("the bus came to a halt", 2)
["the bus", "bus came", "came to", "to a", "a halt"]
iex> FastNgram.word_ngrams("the bus came to a halt", 3)
["the bus came", "bus came to", "came to a", "to a halt"]
iex> FastNgram.word_ngrams("", 2)

Documentation can be be found at [](