# Erlang and Elixir XML Parsing
[](https://travis-ci.org/processone/fast_xml) [](https://coveralls.io/github/processone/fast_xml?branch=master) [](https://hex.pm/packages/fast_xml)
Fast Expat based Erlang XML parsing and manipulation library, with a
strong focus on XML stream parsing from network.
It supports:
- Full XML structure parsing: Suitable for small but complete XML chunks.
- XML stream parsing: Suitable for large XML document, or infinite
network XML stream like XMPP.
This module can parse files much faster than built-in module `xmerl`.
Depending on file complexity and size `fxml_stream:parse_element/1` can
be 8-18 times faster than calling `xmerl_scan:string/2`.
This application was previously called
[p1_xml](https://github.com/processone/xml) and was renamed after
major optimisations to put emphasis on the fact it is damn fast.
## Building
Erlang XML parser can be build as follow:
./configure && make
Erlang XML parser is a rebar-compatible OTP
application. Alternatively, you can build it with rebar:
rebar compile
## Dependencies
Erlang XML parser depends on Expat XML parser. You need development
headers for Expat library to build it.
You can use `configure` options to pass custom path to Expat libraries and headers:
--with-expat=[ARG] use Expat XML Parser from given prefix (ARG=path);
check standard prefixes (ARG=yes); disable (ARG=no)
--with-expat-inc=[DIR] path to Expat XML Parser headers
--with-expat-lib=[ARG] link options for Expat XML Parser libraries
## xmlel record and types
XML elements are provided as Erlang xmlel records.
Format of the record allows defining a simple tree-like
structure. xmlel record has the following fields:
- name :: binary()
- attrs :: [attr()]
- children :: [xmlel() | cdata()]
cdata type is a tuple of the form:
{xmlcdata, CData::binary()}
attr type if a tuple of the form:
{Name::binary(), Value::binary()}
## XML full structure parsing
You can definitely parse a complete XML structure with `fast_xml`:
$ erl -pa ebin
Erlang/OTP 17 [erts-6.3] [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [async-threads:10] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false] [dtrace]
Eshell V6.3 (abort with ^G)
1> application:start(fast_xml).
2> rr(fxml).
3> fxml_stream:parse_element(<<"<test>content cdata</test>">>).
#xmlel{name = <<"test">>,attrs = [],
children = [{xmlcdata,<<"content cdata">>}]}
## XML Stream parsing example
You can also parse continuous stream. Our design allows decoupling
very easily the process receiving the raw XML to parse from the
process receiving the parsed content.
The workflow is as follow:
state = new(CallbackPID); parse(state, data); parse(state, moredata); ...
and the parsed XML fragments (stanzas) are send to CallbackPID.
With that approach you can be very flexible on how you architect your
own application.
Here is an example XML stream parsing:
$ erl -pa ebin
Erlang/OTP 17 [erts-6.3] [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [async-threads:10] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false] [dtrace]
Eshell V6.3 (abort with ^G)
% Start the application:
1> application:start(fast_xml).
% Create a new stream, using self PID to received XML parsing event:
2> S1 = fxml_stream:new(self()).
% Start feeding content to the XML parser.
3> S2 = fxml_stream:parse(S1, <<"<root>">>).
% Receive Erlang message send to shell process:
4> flush().
Shell got {'$gen_event',{xmlstreamstart,<<"root">>,[]}}
% Feed more content:
5> S3 = fxml_stream:parse(S2, <<"<xmlelement>content cdata</xmlelement>">>).
% Receive more messages:
6> flush().
Shell got {'$gen_event',
[{xmlcdata,<<"content cdata">>}]}}}
% Feed more content:
7> S4 = fxml_stream:parse(S3, <<"</root>">>).
% Receive messages:
8> flush().
Shell got {'$gen_event',{xmlstreamend,<<"root">>}}
9> fxml_stream:close(S4).
Note how the root element is important. We expect to have the root
element serve as boundary with stream start and stream end
event. Then, lower level tags are passed as sub stream elements.
## How does this module relate to exmpp ?
This module is a low level fast XML parser. It is not an XMPP client
library like [exmpp](https://processone.github.io/exmpp/).
## References
This module is use at large scale for parsing massive XML content in
[ejabberd](https://www.ejabberd.im) XMPP server project. It is used in
production in thousands of real life deployments.
## Development
### Test
#### Unit test
You can run eunit test with the command:
$ rebar eunit
#### Elixir / Quickcheck test
You can run test written with Elixir / Quickcheck thanks to the mix command:
MIX_EXS=test/elixir/mix.exs mix test