## Description

FAT provides methods for _dynamically_ building queries depending on the parameters it receive.

Currently it's supporting following **query functions**:

- where
- select
- joins
- order_by
- include
- group_by

## Installation

### For now, you can add directly via github

{:fat_ecto, github: "tanweerdev/fat_ecto"}

## Config

config :fat_ecto, :repo,

  seed_base_path: "priv/seed/csvs/",

  base_repo: ExApi.Repo,

  query_repo: ExApi.Repo,

  default_limit: 10,

  max_limit: 100

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed by adding `fat_ecto` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do


{:fat_ecto, "~> 0.1.0"}



## Use

Once installed you can _import_ **FatEcto.FatQuery** inside your module and use the `build method`. Which is the entry method for building every query. And also the main method for the **FatEcto.FatQuery**.

build(schema_name, params)

#### Example

import FatEcto.FatQuery
query_opts = %{
      "$select" => %{
        "$fields" => ["name", "location", "rating"],
        "fat_rooms" => ["beds", "capacity"]
      "$order" => %{"id" => "$desc"},
      "$where" => %{"rating" => 4},
      "$group" => ["total_staff", "rating"],
      "$include" => %{
        "fat_doctors" => %{
          "$include" => ["fat_patients"],
          "$where" => %{"name" => "ham"},
          "$order" => %{"id" => "$desc"},
          "$join" => "$right"
      "$right_join" => %{
        "fat_rooms" => %{
          "$on_field" => "id",
          "$on_join_table_field" => "hospital_id",
          "$select" => ["beds", "capacity", "level"],
          "$where" => %{"incharge" => "John"},
          "$order" => %{"level" => "$asc"}
iex> build(FatEcto.FatHospital, query_opts)
iex> #Ecto.Query<from f0 in FatEcto.FatHospital, right_join: f1 in "fat_rooms",
     on: == f1.hospital_id, right_join: f2 in assoc(f0, :fat_doctors),
     where: f0.rating == ^4 and ^true, where: f1.incharge == ^"John" and ^true,
     group_by: [f0.total_staff], group_by: [f0.rating], order_by: [asc: f1.level],
     order_by: [desc:],
     select: merge(map(f0, [:name, :location, :rating, :id, {:fat_rooms, [:beds, :capacity]}]),
     %{^:fat_rooms => map(f1, [:beds, :capacity, :level])}),
     preload: [fat_doctors: #Ecto.Query<from f0 in FatEcto.FatDoctor,
     left_join: f1 in assoc(f0, :fat_patients),
     where: == ^"ham" and ^true, order_by: [desc:],
     limit: ^10, offset: ^0, preload: [:fat_patients]>]>

##### Options:

These are the options supported

| Option                  | Description                                                              |
| ----------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| $include                | Include the assoication model `doctors`                                  |
| $include: :fat_patients | Include the assoication `patients`. Which has association with `doctors` |
| $select                 | Select the fields from `hospital` and `rooms`                            |
| $where                  | Added the where attribute in the query                                   |
| $group                  | Added the group_by attribute in the query as a list                      |
| $order                  | Sort the result based on the order attribute                             |
| $right_join             | Specify the type of join                                                 |
| $on_field               | Specify the field for join                                               |
| $on_join_table_field    | Specify the field for join in the joining table                          |

see docs for more details.

### Where

_Where_ include methods from [Ecto.Query.API]( These are the options _where_ supports.

| function         | Description                                                                                                        |
| ---------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| like             | matches the substring with the attribute in the database. `"$like"` .                                              |
| notLike          | return result where value in the substring doesn't match. `"$not_like"` .                                          |
| ilike            | matches the substring passed with the attribute in the database `"$ilike"` .                                       |
| notILike         | return result where value in the substring doesn't match.`"$not_ilike"`.                                           |
| lessthan         | fetch result where value is less than the numerical value `"$lt"` (also apply on non_numerical fields).            |
| lessthanequal    | fetch result where value is less than equal to the numerical value `"$lte"` (also apply on non_numerical fields.   |
| greaterthan      | fetch result where value is greater than the numerical value `"$gt`" (also apply on non_numerical fields.)         |
| greaterthanequal | fetch result where value is greater than equal to the numerical value `"gte"` (also apply on non_numerical fields. |
| between          | [] ,fetch the result wher value is between the provided attributes. `"$between"`.                                  |
| notBetween       | [] . fetch the result wher value is not between the provided list attributes. `"$not_between"`.                    |
| in               | [] , fetch result where value is in the the provided list attributes. `"$in"` .                                    |
| notIn            | [] ,fetch result where value is not in the the provided list attributes. `"$not_in"` .                             |
| isnil            | value is nil. `"nil"`.                                                                                             |
| not isnil        | value is not nil. `"$not_null"` .                                                                                  |

#### Example:

    query_ opts = %{
      "$where" => %{"designation" => %{"$ilike" => "%surge %"}}

   iex> build(FatEcto.FatDoctor, query_opts)
   iex> #Ecto.Query<from f in FatEcto.FatDoctor,
    where: ilike(fragment("(?)::TEXT", f.designation), ^"%surge %") and ^true>

   query_ opts = %{
      "$where" => %{"rating" => %{"$lte" => "$total_staff"}}

   iex> build(FatEcto.FatHospital, opts)
   iex> #Ecto.Query<from f in FatEcto.FatHospital,
        where: f.rating <= f.total_staff and ^true>

see docs for more info

### Select

_Select_ include fields from the models as well as from the associated models and also adds foreign key dynamically.
It also select fields from the model as a list.

#### Example:

query_opts = %{
    "$select" => ["name", "location", "rating"],
    "$order" => %{"id" => "$desc"}
iex> build(FatEcto.FatHospital, query_opts)
iex> #Ecto.Query<from f in FatEcto.FatHospital, order_by: [desc:],
     select: map(f, [:name, :location, :rating])>

query_ opts = %{
    "$select" => %{
      "$fields" => ["name", "location", "rating"],
      "fat_rooms" => ["beds", "capacity"]
    "$where" => %{"id" => 2}
iex> build(FatEcto.FatHospital, query_opts)
iex> #Ecto.Query<from f in FatEcto.FatHospital, where: == ^2 and ^true,
     select: map(f, [:name, :location, :rating, :id, {:fat_rooms, [:beds, :capacity]}])>

see docs for more info

### Joins

_Joins_ with another table on the type of join you passed in the params. it also supports _where_ , _select_, _order_ . Supported Join types are:

- inner
- left
- right
- full

#### Example

query_opts = %{
      "$right_join" => %{
        "fat_rooms" => %{
          "$on_field" => "id",
          "$on_join_table_field" => "hospital_id",
          "$select" => ["beds", "capacity", "level"],
          "$where" => %{"incharge" => "John"},
          "$order" => %{"nurses" => "$asc"}
iex> build(FatEcto.FatHospital, opts)
iex> Ecto.Query<from f0 in FatEcto.FatHospital, right_join: f1 in "fat_rooms",
     on: == f1.hospital_id, where: f1.incharge == ^"John" and ^true,
     order_by: [asc: f1.nurses],
     select: merge(f0, %{^:fat_rooms => map(f1, [:beds, :capacity, :level])})>

see docs for more info.

### Order_by

_order_by_ returns the query by sort the results as _asc_ or _desc_ order.

#### Example

query_opts = %{
      "$select" => %{
        "$fields" => ["name", "location", "rating"],
        "fat_rooms" => ["beds", "capacity"]
      "$order" => %{"id" => "$desc"}
    iex> build(FatEcto.FatHospital, opts)
    iex> #Ecto.Query<from f in FatEcto.FatHospital, order_by: [desc:],
         select: map(f, [:name, :location, :rating, :id, {:fat_rooms, [:beds, :capacity]}])>

query_ opts = %{
      "$select" => ["name", "location", "rating"],
      "$order" => %{"id" => "$asc"}
iex> build(FatEcto.FatHospital, query_opts)
iex> #Ecto.Query<from f in FatEcto.FatHospital, order_by: [asc:],
     select: map(f, [:name, :location, :rating])>

see docs for more info.

### Include

_include_ has different sub methods. You can specify the _where_ , _order_by_ , _join_ in the include for the associated schema.

#### Example

query_opts = %{
      "$include" => %{
        "fat_hospitals" => %{
          "$join" => "$right",
          "$order" => %{"id" => "$desc"},
          "$where" => %{"name" => "Saint"}
      "$where" => %{"name" => "John"}
iex> build(FatEcto.FatDoctor, opts)
iex> #Ecto.Query<from f0 in FatEcto.FatDoctor,
     right_join: f1 in assoc(f0, :fat_hospitals),
     where: == ^"John" and ^true,
     preload: [fat_hospitals: #Ecto.Query<from f in FatEcto.FatHospital,
     where: == ^"Saint" and ^true, order_by:  [desc:], limit: ^10, offset: ^0>]>

see docs for more info.

### Group_By

_group_by_ Groups together rows from the schema that have the same values in the given fields. It also supports multiple _group_by_ fields in a list.

#### Example

query_opts = %{
      "$inner_join" => %{
        "fat_rooms" => %{
          "$on_field" => "id",
          "$on_join_table_field" => "hospital_id",
          "$select" => ["beds", "capacity", "level"],
          "$where" => %{"incharge" => "John"}
      "$where" => %{"rating" => 3},
      "$group" => ["rating", "total_staff"]

iex> build(FatEcto.FatHospital, query_opts)
iex> #Ecto.Query<from f0 in FatEcto.FatHospital, join: f1 in "fat_rooms",
     on: == f1.hospital_id, where: f0.rating == ^3 and ^true,
     where: f1.incharge == ^"John" and ^true, group_by: [f0.rating],
     group_by: [f0.total_staff],
     select: merge(f0, %{^:fat_rooms => map(f1, [:beds, :capacity, :level])})>

query_opts = %{
      "$select" => ["name", "location", "rating"],
      "$order" => %{"id" => "$asc"},
      "$group" => "rating"

iex>  build(FatEcto.FatHospital, query_opts)
iex>  #Ecto.Query<from f in FatEcto.FatHospital, group_by: [f.rating],
      order_by: [asc:], select: map(f, [:name, :location, :rating])>

see docs for more info.

### Paginator

_FAT_ allows to restrict the number of results you want to return from the repo. You can define _limit_ as limit and _offset_ as skip.

#### Example

opts = %{
      "$select" => ["name", "location", "rating"],
      "$order" => %{"id" => "$asc"},
      "$group" => "rating",
      "$limit" => 20,
      "$skip" => 0

If no limit is defined then FAT automatically uses `default_limit`. For this to work you have to define the default_limit in fat_ecto config.
see docs for more info.

## Documentation

Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](

and published on [HexDocs]( Once published, the docs can

be found at [](