# FatEcto
## Description
FAT provides methods for _dynamically_ building queries depending on the parameters it receive.
Currently it's supporting following **query functions**:
- where
- select
- joins
- order_by
- include
- group_by
## Installation
#### you can get latest from github or published version from hex
{:fat_ecto, github: "tanweerdev/fat_ecto"}
{:fat_ecto, "~> 0.1"}
## Config
config :my_app, :fat_ecto,
repo: ExApi.Repo,
default_limit: 10,
max_limit: 100
## Usage
Once installed you can _use_ **FatEcto.FatQuery** inside your module and use the `build method`. Which is the entry method for building every query. And also the main method for the **FatEcto.FatQuery**.
build(schema_name, params)
#### Example
defmodule MyApp.Query do
use FatEcto.FatQuery, otp_app: :my_app, max_limit: 103, default_limit: 34
import MyApp.Query
query_opts = %{
"$select" => %{
"$fields" => ["name", "location", "rating"],
"fat_rooms" => ["beds", "capacity"]
"$order" => %{"id" => "$desc"},
"$where" => %{"rating" => 4},
"$group" => ["total_staff", "rating"],
"$include" => %{
"fat_doctors" => %{
"$include" => ["fat_patients"],
"$where" => %{"name" => "ham"},
"$order" => %{"id" => "$desc"},
"$join" => "$right"
"$right_join" => %{
"fat_rooms" => %{
"$on_field" => "id",
"$on_join_table_field" => "hospital_id",
"$select" => ["beds", "capacity", "level"],
"$where" => %{"incharge" => "John"},
"$order" => %{"level" => "$asc"}
iex> build(FatEcto.FatHospital, query_opts)
iex> #Ecto.Query<from f0 in FatEcto.FatHospital, right_join: f1 in "fat_rooms",
on: f0.id == f1.hospital_id, right_join: f2 in assoc(f0, :fat_doctors),
where: f0.rating == ^4 and ^true, where: f1.incharge == ^"John" and ^true,
group_by: [f0.total_staff], group_by: [f0.rating], order_by: [asc: f1.level],
order_by: [desc: f0.id],
select: merge(map(f0, [:name, :location, :rating, :id, {:fat_rooms, [:beds, :capacity]}]),
%{^:fat_rooms => map(f1, [:beds, :capacity, :level])}),
preload: [fat_doctors: #Ecto.Query<from f0 in FatEcto.FatDoctor,
left_join: f1 in assoc(f0, :fat_patients),
where: f0.name == ^"ham" and ^true, order_by: [desc: f0.id],
limit: ^10, offset: ^0, preload: [:fat_patients]>]>
##### Options:
These are the options supported
| Option | Description |
| ----------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| $include | Include the assoication model `doctors` |
| $include: :fat_patients | Include the assoication `patients`. Which has association with `doctors` |
| $select | Select the fields from `hospital` and `rooms` |
| $where | Added the where attribute in the query |
| $group | Added the group_by attribute in the query as a list |
| $order | Sort the result based on the order attribute |
| $right_join | Specify the type of join |
| $on_field | Specify the field for join |
| $on_join_table_field | Specify the field for join in the joining table |
see [Docs](https://hexdocs.pm/fat_ecto/) for more details.