# Faultex

Faultex is a simple Elixir fault injection library.
Faultex can be use with the Plug and HTTPoison
### Faultex.Plug
Add the :faultex to your project's mix.exs:
defp deps do
{:plug, "~> 1.0"},
{:faultex, "~> 0.1"}
defmodule MyRouter do
use Faultex.Plug, injectors: [
path: "/test/*/bar",
headers: [{"X-Fault-Inject", "auth-failed"}],
percentage: 100,
resp_delay: 1000
get "test/:foo/bar" do
### Faultex.HTTPoison
Add the :faultex to your project's mix.exs:
defp deps do
{:httpoison, "~> 1.0"},
{:faultex, "~> 0.1"}
defmodule MyApp.HTTPoison do
use Faultex.HTTPoison, injectors: [
path: "/test/*/bar",
method: "GET",
headers: [{"X-Fault-Inject", "auth-failed"}],
percentage: 100,
resp_status: 401,
resp_body: Jason.encode!(%{message: "Autharization failed"}),
resp_headers: [],
resp_delay: 1000
alias MyApp.HTTPoison as HTTPoison
# receive 401
res = HTTPoison.request!(:get, "test/foo/bar", body, headers)
> res%{
## Use config.exs
config :faultex,
injectors: [{:register_fail, Faultex.Injector.FaultInjector}]
config :faultex, :register_fail
# Request matcher parameters
host: "example.com"
path: "/auth/*/*/register",
method: "POST",
exact: true,
header: {"X-Fault-Inject", "auth-failed"},
percentage: 100,
# Response parameters
resp_status: 401,
resp_handler: MyApp.FailureHandler,
resp_body: Jason.encode!(%{message: "Autharization failed"}),
resp_headers: [],
resp_delay: 1000
use Faultex.HTTPoison, Application.compile_env!(faultex, :injectors)
### Global Parameters
- disable: if true, disable all injectors
- injectors: list of injectors
### Fault Injector Configuration
In some request match parameters, you can set `"*"`.
which means matches all incoming parameters.
- disable: optional. if true, disable this injectors. if omit this parameter, set default to `false`
- host: optioanl. matches request host. if omit this parameters, set default to `"*"`
- path: optional. matches pattern for request path. You can use Plug.Router style path parameters like `:id` and wildcard pattern like `/*path` default is `*`
- methd: optional. metches request method. atom or string. default is `"*"`
- header: optional. matches request headers. default is `[]`
- percentage: optional. default is `100`.
- resp_status: optional.
- resp_body: optional.
- resp_headers: optional.
- resp_handler: optioanl.
- resp_delay: optioanl.
- [x] Allow :resp_headers key.
- [x] Allow :resp_delay key.
- [x] Allow :percentage key.
- [x] :headers are should parse list (cowboy style headers) [{key, value}].
- [x] Allow response handlers
- [x] Disaced config.exs
- [x] Faultex.Plug and Faultex.HTTPoison are should have __using__ macro and compile routes dinamicaly
- [x] Allow :disable key.
- [] Allow :exact key.
- [] - pass the path parameters to resp_handler
- [x] match/5 check request path pattern
- [x] match/4, match/5 returns {:ok, true, %Faultex} | {:ok, false, nil}
- [] debug log
- [x] example project
- [x] Injecror to Behaviour
- [x] FaultInjector
- [x] SlowInjector
- [] RejectInjector