# featureflow-elixir-sdk
> Elixir SDK for the featureflow feature management platform
Get your Featureflow account at [featureflow.io](http://www.featureflow.io)
## Get Started
The easiest way to get started is to follow the [Featureflow quick start guides](http://docs.featureflow.io/docs)
> Alternatively to see featureflow running in action, you can run the example in this repo:
1. Clone this repository
2. Copy config/dev.exs.sample to config/dev.exs
3. Update confid/dev.exs ```apiKey: [ "your-javascript-environment-sdk-key"]```
4. Run `$ mix do deps.get, compile` and `$ iex -S mix`
5. Have fun!
## Installation
The SDK is available on ![hex.pm][hex-url].
You can either add it as a dependency in your mix.exs, or install it globally as an archive task.
To add it to a mix project, just add a line like this in your deps function in mix.exs:
defp deps do
[{:featureflow, "~> 0.1.0"}]
and run
mix do deps.get, deps.compile
## Usage
Here is a simple example of running your feature that prints "I'm enables" on the screen.
defmodule MySimpleFeature do
alias Featureflow.{User, Client}
alias Featureflow.Client.Evaluate
def evaluate_my_feature(%User{} = user) do
api_key = "<your-javascript-environment-sdk-key>"
|> Featureflow.init()
|> Client.evaluate(:'some-cool-feature', user)
|> Evaluate.isOn()
|> maybe_evaluate_my_feature()
def maybe_evaluate_my_feature(true) do
# Execute your feature code here
IO.inspect "Feature evaluated"
def maybe_evaluate_my_feature(_), do: nil
[hex-url]: https://hex.pm/packages/
[dependency-url]: https://www.featureflow.io
[dependency-img]: https://www.featureflow.io/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/featureflow-web.png