# Feedex
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Elixir Feed Parser originally extracted from [](, a minimalist news reader.

## Installation

Add `feedex` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
  [{:feedex, "~> 0.1.1"}]

## Usage

> {:ok, feed} = Feedex.fetch_and_parse ""

> {:ok, feed} = Feedex.parse "<rss version=\"2.0\" xmlns:content=\"\" ..."

> feed.title
"9GAG RSS feed"

> feed.entries |>
["Are you the lucky one ?", "Hide and Seek", "Playing guitar for little cate", ...]

## Results

#### Feed
  - `id` feed identifier (usually the site url)
  - `title` feed title
  - `description` feed description
  - `url` feed url
  - `site_url` feed main site url
  - `updated` feed last modification timestamp
  - `entries` entry list

#### Entry
  - `id` unique identifier (SHA256)
  - `title` entry title
  - `url` entry permalink
  - `content` entry content
  - `updated` entry publication or modification timestamp

## Documentation

Documentation is available at [](

## License

This software is licensed under [the MIT license](

## Credits

This project was inspired by [Feedjira]( and [PicoFeed](