# ⚡️ FerrymanEx


`FerrymanEx` is a pure Elixir JSONRPC2 Client & Server realization.

[Ferryman]( is a JSONRPC 2.0 Client & Server realization for Erlang and Ruby.

## 💻 Installation

def deps do
    {:ferryman_ex, github: "superlistapp/ferryman_ex"}

## 🚀 Getting Started

To get started, make sure you have a running instance of Redis.

`FerrymanEx` uses [Redix]( as redis driver.

You can start a local redis instance by running `docker run --name my-redis -p 6379:6379 -d redis`

### Server

First, let's define a JSONRPC2 handler, and define the functions we want to be
handled by RPC calls.

defmodule ExampleHandler do
  use JSONRPC2.Server.Handler

  def handle_request("add", [x, y]) do
    x + y

Now we can start our Ferryman Server.

iex> {:ok, pid} = Ferryman.Server.start_link(redis_config: [], channels: ["mychannel"], handler: ExampleHandler)

The default `redis_config` will look for a redis instance on `"localhost:6379"`.
For more configuration options, please check the [Redix Docs](

You can define a list of `channels`, and pass the `handler` module.

### Client

To start communicating with the Ferryman server, let's first start our redis process:

iex> {:ok, redis} = Redix.start_link()

Now we can simply call the functions, the server has implemented:

iex>, "mychannel", "add", [1, 2])
{:ok, 3}

## 🤓 Used Libraries


## 📝 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Copyright (c) 2022 Superlist