# Fettle Plug
Plug support for [Fettle](https://github.com/Financial-Times/fettle) health-checks.
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## Getting Started
### Installation
def deps do
{:fettle_plug, "~> 1.0"}
For the latest (and most unstable) version:
def deps do
{:fettle_plug, github: "Financial-Times/fettle_plug"}
`fettle_plug` has a transitive dependency on [`fettle`](https://github.com/Financial-Times/fettle).
### Setup
In your `Plug` pipeline (`Phoenix.Endpoint` etc.), use `Fettle.Plug` to serve your results from your desired URL:
Plug example:
use Plug.Router
plug :match
# serve health check results under /__meta/health
plug Fettle.Plug, path_info: ["__meta", "health"]
# other routes
match _, do: send_resp(conn, 404, "Route Not Found\n")
plug :dispatch
* `path_info` defaults to `["__health"]`; it may be given as `[]` for use under `forward` etc.
* A `schema` option uses a custom `Fettle.Schema` implementation; `Fettle.Schema.FTHealthCheckV1` is the default.