
defmodule Fields.AES do
  @moduledoc """
  Encrypt values with AES in Galois/Counter Mode (GCM)
  using a random Initialisation Vector for each encryption,
  this makes "bruteforce" decryption much more difficult.
  See `encrypt/1` and `decrypt/1` for more details.
  # Use AES 256 Bit Keys for Encryption. (aad = "Associated Authenticated Data")
  @aad "AES256GCM"
  @cipher :aes_256_gcm
  @doc """
  Encrypt Using AES GCM.
  Uses a random IV for each call, and prepends the IV and Tag to the
  ciphertext.  This means that `encrypt/1` will never return the same ciphertext
  for the same value. This makes "cracking" (bruteforce decryption) much harder!
  ## Parameters
  - `plaintext`: Accepts any data type as all values are converted to a String
    using `to_string` before encryption.
  - `key_id`: the index of the AES encryption key used to encrypt the ciphertext
  ## Examples
  iex> Fields.AES.encrypt("tea") != Fields.AES.encrypt("tea")
  iex> ciphertext = Fields.AES.encrypt(123)
  iex> is_binary(ciphertext)

  @spec encrypt(any) :: String.t()
  def encrypt(plaintext) do
    # create random Initialisation Vector
    iv = :crypto.strong_rand_bytes(16)
    # get *specific* key (by id) from list of keys.
    key_id = get_key_id()
    key = get_key(key_id)

    {ciphertext, tag} =
      :crypto.crypto_one_time_aead(@cipher, key, iv, to_string(plaintext), @aad, true)

    # 1 >> "0001"
    key_id_str = String.pad_leading(to_string(key_id), 4, "0")
    # "return" key_id_str with the iv, cipher tag & ciphertext
    # "concat" key_id iv cipher tag & ciphertext
    key_id_str <> iv <> tag <> ciphertext

  @doc """
  Decrypt a binary using GCM.
  ## Parameters
  - `ciphertext`: a binary to decrypt, assuming that the first 16 bytes of the
    binary are the IV to use for decryption.
  - `key_id`: the index of the AES encryption key used to encrypt the ciphertext
  ## Example
  iex> Fields.AES.encrypt("test") |> Fields.AES.decrypt()

  # as above but *asumes* `default` (latest) encryption key is used.
  @spec decrypt(any) :: String.t()
  def decrypt(ciphertext) do
    <<key_id_str::binary-4, iv::binary-16, tag::binary-16, ciphertext::binary>> = ciphertext
    key_id = String.to_integer(key_id_str)
    key = get_key(key_id)
    :crypto.crypto_one_time_aead(:aes_256_gcm, key, iv, ciphertext, @aad, tag, false)

  # @doc """
  # Get the current key index.
  # The key used for the encryption is always the latest key in the list (ie most recent created key)
  # """
  defp get_key_id() do
    Enum.count(fetch_keys()) - 1

  # @doc """
  # get_key - Get encryption key from list of keys.
  # ## Parameters
  # - `key_id`: the index of AES encryption key used to encrypt the ciphertext
  # ## Example
  #     iex> Fields.AES.get_key
  #     <<13, 217, 61, 143, 87, 215, 35, 162, 183, 151, 179, 205, 37, 148>>
  # """ # doc commented out because
  @spec get_key(number) :: String
  defp get_key(key_id) do, key_id)

  # Dependency injection of encryption keys to allow flexibility in tests and consumers.
  # I don't think fetching the keys from the env is going to be too slow, but
  # consider optimizing if benchmarking shows it is.
  defp fetch_keys() do
    Envar.get("ENCRYPTION_KEYS", Application.fetch_env!(:fields, :encryption_keys))
    # remove single-quotes around key list in .env
    |> String.replace("'", "")
    #  split the CSV list of keys
    |> String.split(",")
    # decode the keys
    |> key -> :base64.decode(key) end)