# File-Only Logger
A simple logger that writes messages to log files only (not to the console).
Elixir's Logger Backends were abandoned in favor of Erlang's Logger handlers.
## Installation
Add `file_only_logger` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:file_only_logger, "~> 0.2.0"}
## Usage
Trying to log any message with severity less than the configured level will
simply cause the message to be ignored.
The configuration values for log level are:
- :all (default)
- :none
- [Logger.level()](https://hexdocs.pm/logger/Logger.html#t:level/0)
You may use file `config/runtime.exs` to configure the above log level:
import Config
config :file_only_logger, level: :info
#### Example
defmodule Log do
use File.Only.Logger
warning :error_occurred, {reason, file} do
\n'error' occurred...
Reason => '#{:file.format_error(reason)}'
File => "#{Path.relative_to_cwd(file)}"\
defmodule Check do
def log_warning do
Log.warning(:error_occurred, {:enoent, __ENV__.file})
Check.log_warning() # will log these lines in the configured log file(s):
2023-11-15 19:05:19.763 [warning]
'error' occurred...
Reason => 'no such file or directory'
File => "lib/file/only/logger/ie.ex"