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# FileStorageApi

Library to be able to upload and manage files to different storage service azure/s3 

## Installation

It can be added to your project by adding

def deps do
    {:file_storage_api, "~> 1.0"}


Ability to set storage engine currently `S3` and `Azure` supported. 
For tests `Mock` can be used with the mox library.
config :file_storage_api, :storage_api, engine: Azure

S3 configuration (options from ex_aws_s3 library)
config :file_storage_api, :s3_config,
  host: "",
  scheme: "http://",
  port: 9000,
  access_key_id: "admin",
  secret_access_key: "password",
  path_style: true

For test S3 can also be mocked by

config :file_storage_api, :s3_config, module: AwsMock

Azure configuration (options from azure library)
config :file_storage_api, :azure_blob,
  account_key: "password",
  account_name: "user",
  environment_suffix: "",
  host: ,
  development: "true" || "false"

It will need the package `file` in linux to be able to read mime types and work.

## Dynamic configuration

You can use a map or keyword list to pass a long dynamic configuration in the connection field.

For azure
  engine: :azure,
  config: %{
    host: "postfix.example",
    secret_key: "YWNjb3VudF9rZXk=",
    access_key: "amazing"

For S3
  engine: :s3,
  config: %{host: "test.example", secret_key: "test123", access_key: "amazing", scheme: "http://"}

For mocking you can set the engine to Mock

## Multiple storage accounts

It can be necessary to connect to multiple S3- or Azure-accounts. This can be done by adding multiple connections, each with its own engine. To facilitate testing, it is possible to change the engine per connection.
> :warning: A connection-name **must** end with `_conn`.


#### Example

Make a custom-connection, with a S3-engine in development, and a Azure-engine in production.

File: `config/dev.exs`:
config :file_storage_api, :custom_conn, engine: :s3

config :file_storage_api, :custom_s3_config,
  host: "",
  scheme: "http://",
  port: 9000,
  access_key_id: "custom-admin",
  secret_access_key: "custom-password",
  path_style: true

File: `config/prod.exs`:
config :file_storage_api, :custom_conn, engine: :azure

config :file_storage_api, :custom_azure_blob,
  account_key: "custom-password",
  account_name: "custom-user",
  environment_suffix: "",
  host: ,
  development: "true" || "false"