# FileStore
FileStore allows you to read, write, upload, download, and interact with files, regardless of where they are stored.
It includes adapters for the following storage backends:
- [Disk](https://hexdocs.pm/file_store/FileStore.Adapters.Disk.html)
- [S3](https://hexdocs.pm/file_store/FileStore.Adapters.S3.html)
- [Memory](https://hexdocs.pm/file_store/FileStore.Adapters.Memory.html)
- [Null](https://hexdocs.pm/file_store/FileStore.Adapters.Null.html)
> [**View the documentation**](https://hexdocs.pm/file_store)
## Installation
The package can be installed by adding `file_store` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
[{:file_store, "~> 0.3"}]
## Usage
Configure a new store:
store = FileStore.Adapters.Disk.new(
storage_path: "/path/to/store/files",
base_url: "http://example.com/files/"
Write a file to the store:
iex> FileStore.write(store, "foo", "hello world")
Read a file from the store:
iex> FileStore.read(store, "foo")
{:ok, "hello world"}
Get information about a file in the store:
iex> FileStore.stat("foo")
{:ok, %FileStore.Stat{key: "foo", ...}}
Upload a file to the store:
iex> FileStore.upload(store, "/path/to/upload.txt", "bar")
Download a file in the store to disk:
iex> FileStore.download(store, "bar", "/path/to/download.txt")
Get a URL for the file:
iex> FileStore.get_public_url(store, "bar")
Get a signed URL for the file:
iex> FileStore.get_signed_url(store, "bar")
{:ok, "http://..."}
List all files:
iex> Enum.to_list(FileStore.list!(store))
Delete a file:
iex> FileStore.delete(store, "bar")
Delete files in bulk:
iex> FileStore.delete_all(store, "profile/images/")
## Middleware
#### Logger
To enable logging, just wrap your store with the logging middleware:
iex> store
...> |> FileStore.Middleware.Logger.new(store)
...> |> FileStore.read("test.txt")
# 02:37:30.724 [debug] READ OK key="test.txt"
{:ok, "hello"}
#### Errors
The errors middleware will wrap error values:
iex> store
...> |> FileStore.Middleware.Errors.new()
...> |> FileStore.read("bizcorp.jpg")
{:error, %FileStore.Error{...}}
One of the following structs will be returned:
- `FileStore.Error`
- `FileStore.UploadError`
- `FileStore.DownloadError`
Because the error implements the `Exception` behaviour, you can `raise` it.
#### Prefix
The prefix middleware allows you to prepend a prefix to all operations.
iex> store
...> |> FileStore.Middleware.Prefix.new(prefix: "company/logos")
...> |> FileStore.read("bizcorp.jpg")
In the example above, `bizcorp.jpg` was translated to `companies/logos/bizcorp.jpg`.
## Creating a store
You can also create a dedicated store in your application.
defmodule MyApp.Storage do
use FileStore.Config, otp_app: :my_app
You'll need to provide configuration for this module:
config :my_app, MyApp.Storage,
adapter: FileStore.Adapters.Null,
middleware: [FileStore.Middleware.Errors]
Now, you can interact with your store more conveniently:
iex> MyApp.Storage.write("foo", "hello world")
iex> MyApp.Storage.read("foo")
{:ok, "hello world"}
## Contributing
In order to test the S3 adapter, we run Minio locally in a Docker container. To start the Minio
service, run the following script:
$ bin/start
To run the test suite, run:
$ bin/test