A file change watcher wrapper based on [fs](
## System Support
- Mac fsevent
- Linux and FreeBSD inotify
- Windows inotify-win
NOTE: On Linux and FreeBSD you need to install inotify-tools.
## Usage
Put `file_system` in the `deps` and `application` part of your mix.exs
``` elixir
defmodule Excellent.Mixfile do
use Mix.Project
def project do
defp deps do
{ :file_system, "~> 0.1.0", only: :test },
### Subscription API
You can spawn a worker and subscribe to events from it:
{:ok, pid} = FileSystem.start_link(dirs: ["/path/to/some/files"])
The pid you subscribed from will now receive messages like
{:file_event, worker_pid, {file_path, events}}
{:file_event, worker_pid, :stop}
### Callback API
You can also `use FileSystem` to define a module with a callback that will be called when filesystem events occur. This requires you to specify directories to watch at compile-time.
write `lib/monitor.ex`
defmodule Monitor do
use FileSystem, dirs: ["/tmp/test"]
def callback(:stop) do
IO.puts "STOP"
def callback(file_path, events) do
IO.inspect {file_path, events}
Execute in iex
iex > Monitor.start
## Tweaking behaviour via listener extra arguments
For each platform, you can pass extra arguments to the underlying listener process via the `listener_extra_args` option.
Here is an example to get instant notifications on file changes for Mac OS X:
use FileSystem, dirs: ["/tmp/test"], listener_extra_args: "--latency=0.0"
See the [fs source]( for more details.
## List Events from Backend
iex > FileSystem.known_events