defmodule Finch do
@external_resource ""
@moduledoc ""
|> String.split("<!-- MDOC !-->")
|> Enum.fetch!(1)
alias Finch.{PoolManager, Request, Response}
use Supervisor
@default_pool_size 50
@default_pool_count 1
@default_connect_timeout 5_000
@pool_config_schema [
protocol: [
type: {:in, [:http2, :http1]},
doc: "The type of connection and pool to use.",
default: :http1
size: [
type: :pos_integer,
doc: """
Number of connections to maintain in each pool. Used only by HTTP1 pools \
since HTTP2 is able to multiplex requests through a single connection. In \
other words, for HTTP2, the size is always 1 and the `:count` should be \
configured in order to increase capacity.
default: @default_pool_size
count: [
type: :pos_integer,
doc: """
Number of pools to start. HTTP1 pools are able to re-use connections in the \
same pool and establish new ones only when necessary. However, if there is a \
high pool count and few requests are made, these requests will be scattered \
across pools, reducing connection reuse. It is recommended to increase the pool \
count for HTTP1 only if you are experiencing high checkout times.
default: @default_pool_count
max_idle_time: [
type: :timeout,
doc: """
The maximum number of milliseconds an HTTP1 connection is allowed to be idle \
before being closed during a checkout attempt.
deprecated: "Use :conn_max_idle_time instead."
conn_opts: [
type: :keyword_list,
doc: """
These options are passed to `Mint.HTTP.connect/4` whenever a new connection is established. \
`:mode` is not configurable as Finch must control this setting. Typically these options are \
used to configure proxying, https settings, or connect timeouts.
default: []
pool_max_idle_time: [
type: :timeout,
doc: """
The maximum number of milliseconds that a pool can be idle before being terminated, used only by HTTP1 pools. \
This options is forwarded to NimblePool and it starts and idle verification cycle that may impact \
performance if misused. For instance setting a very low timeout may lead to pool restarts. \
For more information see NimblePool's `handle_ping/2` documentation.
default: :infinity
conn_max_idle_time: [
type: :timeout,
doc: """
The maximum number of milliseconds an HTTP1 connection is allowed to be idle \
before being closed during a checkout attempt.
default: :infinity
@typedoc """
The `:name` provided to Finch in `start_link/1`.
@type name() :: atom()
@typedoc """
The stream function given to `stream/5`.
@type stream(acc) ::
({:status, integer} | {:headers, Mint.Types.headers()} | {:data, binary}, acc -> acc)
@doc """
Start an instance of Finch.
## Options
* `:name` - The name of your Finch instance. This field is required.
* `:pools` - A map specifying the configuration for your pools. The keys should be URLs
provided as binaries, a tuple `{scheme, {:local, unix_socket}}` where `unix_socket` is the path for
the socket, or the atom `:default` to provide a catch-all configuration to be used for any
unspecified URLs. See "Pool Configuration Options" below for details on the possible map
values. Default value is `%{default: [size: #{@default_pool_size}, count: #{@default_pool_count}]}`.
### Pool Configuration Options
def start_link(opts) do
name = finch_name!(opts)
pools = Keyword.get(opts, :pools, []) |> pool_options!()
{default_pool_config, pools} = Map.pop(pools, :default)
config = %{
registry_name: name,
manager_name: manager_name(name),
supervisor_name: pool_supervisor_name(name),
default_pool_config: default_pool_config,
pools: pools
Supervisor.start_link(__MODULE__, config, name: supervisor_name(name))
def child_spec(opts) do
id: finch_name!(opts),
start: {__MODULE__, :start_link, [opts]}
@impl true
def init(config) do
children = [
{DynamicSupervisor, name: config.supervisor_name, strategy: :one_for_one},
{Registry, [keys: :duplicate, name: config.registry_name, meta: [config: config]]},
{PoolManager, config}
Supervisor.init(children, strategy: :one_for_all)
defp finch_name!(opts) do
Keyword.get(opts, :name) || raise(ArgumentError, "must supply a name")
defp pool_options!(pools) do
{:ok, default} = NimbleOptions.validate([], @pool_config_schema)
Enum.reduce(pools, %{default: valid_opts_to_map(default)}, fn {destination, opts}, acc ->
with {:ok, valid_destination} <- cast_destination(destination),
{:ok, valid_pool_opts} <- cast_pool_opts(opts) do
Map.put(acc, valid_destination, valid_pool_opts)
{:error, reason} ->
raise reason
defp cast_destination(destination) do
case destination do
:default ->
{:ok, destination}
{scheme, {:local, path}} when is_atom(scheme) and is_binary(path) ->
{:ok, {scheme, {:local, path}, 0}}
url when is_binary(url) ->
_ ->
{:error, %ArgumentError{message: "invalid destination: #{inspect(destination)}"}}
defp cast_binary_destination(url) when is_binary(url) do
{scheme, host, port, _path, _query} = Finch.Request.parse_url(url)
{:ok, {scheme, host, port}}
defp cast_pool_opts(opts) do
with {:ok, valid} <- NimbleOptions.validate(opts, @pool_config_schema) do
{:ok, valid_opts_to_map(valid)}
defp valid_opts_to_map(valid) do
# We need to enable keepalive and set the nodelay flag to true by default.
transport_opts =
|> get_in([:conn_opts, :transport_opts])
|> List.wrap()
|> Keyword.put_new(:timeout, @default_connect_timeout)
|> Keyword.put_new(:nodelay, true)
|> Keyword.put(:keepalive, true)
conn_opts = valid[:conn_opts] |> List.wrap()
ssl_key_log_file =
Keyword.get(conn_opts, :ssl_key_log_file) || System.get_env("SSLKEYLOGFILE")
ssl_key_log_file_device = ssl_key_log_file &&!(ssl_key_log_file, [:append])
conn_opts =
|> Keyword.put(:ssl_key_log_file_device, ssl_key_log_file_device)
|> Keyword.put(:transport_opts, transport_opts)
size: valid[:size],
count: valid[:count],
conn_opts: conn_opts,
protocol: valid[:protocol],
conn_max_idle_time: to_native(valid[:max_idle_time] || valid[:conn_max_idle_time]),
pool_max_idle_time: valid[:pool_max_idle_time]
defp to_native(:infinity), do: :infinity
defp to_native(time), do: System.convert_time_unit(time, :millisecond, :native)
defp supervisor_name(name), do: :"#{name}.Supervisor"
defp manager_name(name), do: :"#{name}.PoolManager"
defp pool_supervisor_name(name), do: :"#{name}.PoolSupervisor"
defmacrop request_span(request, name, do: block) do
quote do
start_meta = %{request: unquote(request), name: unquote(name)}
Finch.Telemetry.span(:request, start_meta, fn ->
result = unquote(block)
end_meta = Map.put(start_meta, :result, result)
{result, end_meta}
@doc """
Builds an HTTP request to be sent with `request/3` or `stream/4`.
It is possible to send the request body in a streaming fashion. In order to do so, the
`body` parameter needs to take form of a tuple `{:stream, body_stream}`, where `body_stream`
is a `Stream`.
@spec build(Request.method(), Request.url(), Request.headers(), Request.body(), Keyword.t()) ::
defdelegate build(method, url, headers \\ [], body \\ nil, opts \\ []), to: Request
@doc """
Streams an HTTP request and returns the accumulator.
A function of arity 2 is expected as argument. The first argument
is a tuple, as listed below, and the second argument is the
accumulator. The function must return a potentially updated
## Stream commands
* `{:status, status}` - the status of the http response
* `{:headers, headers}` - the headers of the http response
* `{:data, data}` - a streaming section of the http body
## Options
* `:pool_timeout` - This timeout is applied when we check out a connection from the pool.
Default value is `5_000`.
* `:receive_timeout` - The maximum time to wait for a response before returning an error.
Default value is `15_000`.
@spec stream(Request.t(), name(), acc, stream(acc), keyword) ::
{:ok, acc} | {:error, Exception.t()}
when acc: term()
def stream(%Request{} = req, name, acc, fun, opts \\ []) when is_function(fun, 2) do
request_span req, name do
__stream__(req, name, acc, fun, opts)
defp __stream__(%Request{} = req, name, acc, fun, opts) when is_function(fun, 2) do
shp = build_shp(req)
{pool, pool_mod} = PoolManager.get_pool(name, shp)
pool_mod.request(pool, req, acc, fun, opts)
defp build_shp(%Request{scheme: scheme, unix_socket: unix_socket})
when is_binary(unix_socket) do
{scheme, {:local, unix_socket}, 0}
defp build_shp(%Request{scheme: scheme, host: host, port: port}) do
{scheme, host, port}
@doc """
Sends an HTTP request and returns a `Finch.Response` struct.
## Options
* `:pool_timeout` - This timeout is applied when we check out a connection from the pool.
Default value is `5_000`.
* `:receive_timeout` - The maximum time to wait for a response before returning an error.
Default value is `15_000`.
@spec request(Request.t(), name(), keyword()) ::
{:ok, Response.t()}
| {:error, Exception.t()}
def request(req, name, opts \\ [])
def request(%Request{} = req, name, opts) do
request_span req, name do
acc = {nil, [], []}
fun = fn
{:status, value}, {_, headers, body} -> {value, headers, body}
{:headers, value}, {status, headers, body} -> {status, headers ++ value, body}
{:data, value}, {status, headers, body} -> {status, headers, [value | body]}
with {:ok, {status, headers, body}} <- __stream__(req, name, acc, fun, opts) do
status: status,
headers: headers,
body: body |> Enum.reverse() |> IO.iodata_to_binary()
# Catch-all for backwards compatibility below
def request(name, method, url) do
request(name, method, url, [])
@doc false
def request(name, method, url, headers, body \\ nil, opts \\ []) do
IO.warn("Finch.request/6 is deprecated, use + Finch.request/3 instead")
build(method, url, headers, body)
|> request(name, opts)