
defmodule Finch.Request do
  @moduledoc """
  A request struct.

  @enforce_keys [:scheme, :host, :port, :method, :path, :headers, :body, :query]
  defstruct [
    private: %{}

  @atom_methods [
  @methods [
  @atom_to_method, @methods) |> Enum.into(%{})

  @typedoc """
  An HTTP request method represented as an `atom()` or a `String.t()`.

  The following atom methods are supported: `#{Enum.map_join(@atom_methods, "`, `", &inspect/1)}`.
  You can use any arbitrary method by providing it as a `String.t()`.
  @type method() :: :get | :post | :head | :patch | :delete | :options | :put | String.t()

  @typedoc """
  A Uniform Resource Locator, the address of a resource on the Web.
  @type url() :: String.t() | URI.t()

  @typedoc """
  Request headers.
  @type headers() :: Mint.Types.headers()

  @typedoc """
  Optional request body.
  @type body() :: iodata() | {:stream, Enumerable.t()} | nil

  @type private_metadata() :: %{optional(atom()) => term()}

  @type t :: %__MODULE__{
          scheme: Mint.Types.scheme(),
          host: String.t() | nil,
          port: :inet.port_number(),
          method: String.t(),
          path: String.t(),
          headers: headers(),
          body: body(),
          query: String.t() | nil,
          unix_socket: String.t() | nil,
          private: private_metadata()

  @doc """
  Sets a new **private** key and value in the request metadata. This storage is meant to be used by libraries
  and frameworks to inject information about the request that needs to be retrieved later on, for example,
  from handlers that consume `Finch.Telemetry` events.
  @spec put_private(t(), key :: atom(), value :: term()) :: t()
  def put_private(%__MODULE__{private: private} = request, key, value) when is_atom(key) do
    %{request | private: Map.put(private, key, value)}

  def put_private(%__MODULE__{}, key, _) do
    raise ArgumentError, """
    got unsupported private metadata key #{inspect(key)}
    only atoms are allowed as keys of the `:private` field.

  @doc false
  def request_path(%{path: path, query: nil}), do: path
  def request_path(%{path: path, query: ""}), do: path
  def request_path(%{path: path, query: query}), do: "#{path}?#{query}"

  @doc false
  def build(method, url, headers, body, opts) do
    unix_socket = Keyword.get(opts, :unix_socket)
    {scheme, host, port, path, query} = parse_url(url)

      scheme: scheme,
      host: host,
      port: port,
      method: build_method(method),
      path: path,
      headers: headers,
      body: body,
      query: query,
      unix_socket: unix_socket

  @doc false
  def parse_url(url) when is_binary(url) do
    url |> URI.parse() |> parse_url()

  def parse_url(%URI{} = parsed_uri) do
    normalized_path = parsed_uri.path || "/"

    scheme =
      case parsed_uri.scheme do
        "https" ->

        "http" ->

        nil ->
          raise ArgumentError, "scheme is required for url: #{URI.to_string(parsed_uri)}"

        scheme ->
          raise ArgumentError,
                "invalid scheme \"#{scheme}\" for url: #{URI.to_string(parsed_uri)}"

    {scheme,, parsed_uri.port, normalized_path, parsed_uri.query}

  defp build_method(method) when is_binary(method), do: method
  defp build_method(method) when method in @atom_methods, do: @atom_to_method[method]

  defp build_method(method) do
    supported = Enum.map_join(@atom_methods, ", ", &inspect/1)

    raise ArgumentError, """
    got unsupported atom method #{inspect(method)}.
    Only the following methods can be provided as atoms: #{supported}.
    Otherwise you must pass a binary.