# ![Finitomata]( Finitomata    [![Kantox ❤ OSS](❤-kantox_oss-informational.svg)](  ![Test](  ![Dialyzer](

**The FSM boilerplate based on callbacks**

## Introduction


### Bird View

`Finitomata` provides a boilerplate for [FSM]( implementation, allowing to concentrate on the business logic rather than on the process management and transitions/events consistency tweaking.

It reads a description of the FSM from a string in [PlantUML format]( Basically, it looks more or less like this

    [*] --> s1 : to_s1
    s1 --> s2 : to_s2
    s1 --> s3 : to_s3
    s2 --> [*] : ok
    s3 --> [*] : ok

It validates the FSM is consistent, namely it has a single initial state, one or more final states, and no orphan states. If everything is OK, it generates a `GenServer` that could be used both alone, and with provided supervision tree. This `GenServer` requires to implement three callbacks

- `on_transition/4` — mandatory
- `on_failure/3` — optional
- `on_terminate/1` — optional

All the callbacks do have a default implementation, that would perfectly handle transitions having a single _to_ state and not requiring any additional business logic attached.

Upon start, it moves to the next to initial state and sits there awaiting for the _transition request_. Then it would call an `on_transition/4` callback and move to the next state, or remain in the current one, according to the response.

Upon reachiung a final state, it would terminate itself. The process keeps all the history of states it went through, and might have a payload in its state.

### Example

Let’s define the FSM instance

defmodule MyFSM do
  @fsm """
  [*] --> s1 : to_s1
  s1 --> s2 : to_s2
  s1 --> s3 : to_s3
  s2 --> [*] : ok
  s3 --> [*] : ok

  use Finitomata, @fsm

  def on_transition(:s1, :to_s2, event_payload, state_payload),
    do: {:ok, :s2, state_payload}

Now we can play with it a bit.

children = [Finitomata.child_spec()]
Supervisor.start_link(children, strategy: :one_for_one)

Finitomata.start_fsm MyFSM, "My first FSM", %{foo: :bar}
Finitomata.transition "My first FSM", {:to_s2, nil}
Finitomata.state "My first FSM"                    
#⇒ %Finitomata.State{current: :s2, history: [:s1], payload: %{foo: :bar}}

Finitomata.allowed? "My first FSM", :* # state
#⇒ true
Finitomata.responds? "My first FSM", :to_s2 # event
#⇒ false

Finitomata.transition "My first FSM", {:ok, nil} # to final state
#⇒ [info]  [◉ ⇄] [state: %Finitomata.State{current: :s2, history: [:s1], payload: %{foo: :bar}}]

Finitomata.alive? "My first FSM"
#⇒ false

Typically, one would implement all the `on_transition/4` handlers, pattern matching on the state/event.


## Installation

def deps do
    {:finitomata, "~> 0.1"}
