# Firebirdex
Elixir database driver for Firebird https://firebirdsql.org/
## Requirements
Firebird 2.5 or higher
## Preparation
Add `:firebirdex` to your dependencies:
def deps() do
{:firebirdex, "~> 0.3.9"}
## Example
If the password is set in the FIREBIRD_PASSWORD environment variable, you can omit the password in the opts variable below.
opts = [
hostname: "servername",
username: "sysdba",
password: "password",
database: "/some/where/sample.fdb",
{:ok, pid} = Firebirdex.start_link(opts)
{:ok, %Firebirdex.Result{} = result} = Firebirdex.query(pid, "SELECT * FROM rdb$relations where rdb$system_flag = ?", [1])
IO.inspect result.columns
IO.inspect Enum.at result.rows, 0
# Same as above (may raise an exception)
result = Firebirdex.query!(pid, "SELECT * FROM rdb$relations where rdb$system_flag = ?", [1])