
Fireworks is a framework for providing simplicity in connecting, configuring and consuming RabbitMQ queues. It is intended to provide automatic exchange -> queue bindings and handle failovers.

## Usage

Fireworks requires information about the main connection to be defined in the application environment
config :fireworks, :connection,
  host: "rabbitmq.local",
  username: "guest",
  password: "guest",
  heartbeat: 30

This information will be used at application start to establish a connection with the RabbitMQ Node.

Fireworks consumers are required to be declared through their own modules.
config :my_app, MyApp.WorkQueue,
  consumers: 5,
  prefetch: 100

Each fireworks module requires the following behavior methods to be declared
defmodule MyApp.WorkQueue do
  use Fireworks.Channel, otp_app: :my_app

  require Logger

  def config(channel) do
    exchange = "my_exchange"
    queue = "my_queue"

    Exchange.topic(channel, exchange, durable: true)

      durable: false

    Queue.bind(channel, queue, exchange, routing_key: "#")

  def consume(%{} = message, %{delivery_tag: tag}) do
    Logger.debug "Process Message: #{inspect message}"
    ack tag

  def consume(msg, _), do: Logger.error "Invalid Message: #{inspect msg}"

If a connection to the rabbit node is lost, fireworks will automatically attempt a reconnection to the node.

## Logging
Fireworks has a Logger backend which can be used to send logs to an exchange on rabbit using fireworks publisher. To use this backend you must configure `:logger`

In your config.exs
config :logger,
  backends: [:console, {Fireworks.Logger, otp_app: :my_app, exchange: "logger"}]

## Contributing

The easiest way to test and contribute to the fireworks library is to develop and test the features through an example app that is leveraging the Fireworks behaviour. A test suite is in the works for this framework.