# Flakyci

[Flakyci]( helps you track flaky tests.

### Adding the dependency

Start adding the dependency to your mix.exs file

  defp deps do
    [ ...
        {:flakyci_ex, "~> 0.1", only: [:test]},

### Configuration

You should add your flakyci project key in the configuration test.exs file. The PROJECT_KEY is visible from the project page accessible from [here](

config :flakyci_ex, project_key: "PROJECT_KEY"

To collect the tests results the library you have to add FlakyciEx.Formater to your test_helper.exs file.

ExUnit.configure(formatters: [ExUnit.CLIFormatter, FlakyciEx.Formater])

## Usage

Replace  `mix test` by `mix deflake`.

*You are good to go, push this to your CI and start monitoring your flaky tests*