Imagine if we could auto scale simply by wrapping any existing app code in a function and have that block of code run in a temporary copy of the app.
Enter the FLAME pattern.
> FLAME - Fleeting Lambda Application for Modular Execution
With FLAME, you treat your *entire application* as a lambda, where modular parts can be executed on short-lived infrastructure.
Check the screencast to see it in action:
You can wrap any block of code in a `` and it will find or boot a copy of the app, execute the work there, and return the results:
def generate_thumbnails(%Video{} = vid, interval) do, fn ->
# I'm runner on a short-lived, temporary server
tmp_dir = Path.join(System.tmp_dir!(), Ecto.UUID.generate())
System.cmd("ffmpeg", ~w(-i #{vid.url} -vf fps=1/#{interval} #{tmp_dir}/%02d.png))
urls = VideoStore.put_thumbnails(vid, Path.wildcard(tmp_dir <> "/*.png"))
Repo.insert_all(Thumbnail,, &%{video_id:, url: &1}))
Here we wrapped up our CPU expensive `ffmpeg` operation in a ``. FLAME accepts a function and any variables that the function closes over. In this example, the `%Video{}` struct and `interval` are passed along automatically. The work happens in a temporary copy of the app. We can do any work inside the FLAME call because we are running the *entire application*, database connection(s) and all.
`FLAME` provides the following interfaces for elastically scaled operations:
* `` - used for synchronous calls
* `FLAME.cast/2` - used for async casts where you don't need to wait on the results
* `FLAME.place_child/3` – used for placing a child spec somewhere to run, in place of `DynamicSupervisor.start_child`, `Task.Supervisor.start_child`, etc
The `FLAME.Pool` handles elastically scaling runners up and down, as well as remote monitoring of resources. Check the moduledoc for example usage.