# FLAMEGigalixirBackend

A [FLAME]( Backend for [Gigalixir](, Elixir’s Platform as a Service.

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## Installation

def deps do
    {:flame_gigalixir_backend, "~> 0.1.0"}

## Usage

### Configure the FLAME backend

Configure the flame backend in our configuration or application setup:

  # config/prod.exs
  config :flame, :backend, FLAMEGigalixirBackend

### Configure clustering

The backend relies on libcluster to communicate between the FLAME Parent and the FLAME workers.

  # config/runtime.exs
  config :libcluster,
    topologies: [
      k8s_example: [
        strategy: Cluster.Strategy.Kubernetes,
        config: [
          kubernetes_selector: System.get_env("LIBCLUSTER_KUBERNETES_SELECTOR"),
          kubernetes_node_basename: System.get_env("LIBCLUSTER_KUBERNETES_NODE_BASENAME")]]]

Be sure to start up libclustering:
  # application.ex
  def start(_type, _args) do
    topologies = Application.get_env(:libcluster, :topologies) || []

    children = [
      {Cluster.Supervisor, [topologies, [name: MyApplication.ClusterSupervisor]]},