# Flamel

This package is a bag of helper functions. Some might be questionable but they are what they are so use them as you will.

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `flamel` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:flamel, "~> 0.1.0"}

## Examples

Flamel.try_and_return(fn -> :ok end) == :ok

Flamel.try_and_return(fn -> raise "error" end, {:ok, :default_value}) == {:ok, :default_value}

Flamel.unwrap_ok!({:ok, []}) == []

Flamel.blank?(%{}) == true

Flamel.present?(%{}) == false

Flamel.to_boolean("Y") == true

Flamel.to_datetime("2000-10-31T01:30:00.000-05:00") == ~U[2000-10-31 06:30:00.000Z]

Flamel.to_datetime(~N[2019-10-31 23:00:07]) == ~N[2019-10-31 23:00:07]

Flamel.to_date(~D[2000-10-31]) == ~D[2000-10-31]

Flamel.to_date(%{"day" => "01", "month" => "12", "year" => "2004"}) == ~D[2004-12-01]

Flamel.to_date("2000-10-31") == ~D[2000-10-31]

Flamel.to_iso8601(~U[2000-10-31 06:30:00.000Z]) == "2000-10-31T06:30:00.000Z"

Flamel.to_iso8601(~D[2019-10-31]) == "2019-10-31"

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