# Flamel
This package is a bag of helper functions. Some might be questionable but they are what they are so use them as you will.
## Installation
If [available in Hex](https://hex.pm/packages/flamel), the package can be installed
by adding `flamel` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:flamel, "~> 1.9.1"}
or mainline the latest:
def deps do
{:flamel, github: "themusicman/flamel", branch: "main"}
## Examples
### Utility
`try_and_return` can be used with a function that throws and exception when you
want to use that function in a `with` statement.
Flamel.try_and_return(fn -> :ok end) == :ok
Flamel.try_and_return(fn -> raise "error" end, {:ok, :default_value}) == {:ok, :default_value}
`wrap` function assists with wrapping a value in a tuple.
Flamel.wrap(:ok, []) == {:ok, []}
Flamel.wrap(:error, "error") == {:error, "error"}
There other wrap helper functions that can come in handy when working with
LiveView, Genservers and the like that use `wrap/2` under the hood. These
functions are great for use when piping.
import Flamel.Wrap
ok(["apple", "pear"]) == {:ok, ["apple", "pear"]}
|> assign(:user, user)
|> ok()
|> assign(:user, user)
|> noreply()
The `ok/1`, `noreply/1` helper functions were inspired by this [tweet](https://twitter.com/germsvel/status/1744686958196973787).
`unwrap_*` functions assists with handling functions that return a value wrapped
in a tuple.
Flamel.unwrap_ok!({:ok, []}) == []
Flamel.unwrap_ok_or_nil({:error, "boom!"}) == nil
### Context
Ability to create a context that can be used to build function pipelines
alias Flamel.Context
context =
|> assign_user(user)
|> authorize()
|> perform_action()
if context.assigns[:action_performed?] do
# something you are allowed to do
def assign_user?(%Context{} = context, user) do
Context.assign(context, :user, user)
def authorize(%Context{assigns: %{user: %{type: :admin}} = context) do
def authorize(%Context{} = context) do
Context.halt!(context, "Not permitted")
def perform_action(%Context{halt?: true}) do
# do nothing
def perform_action(%Context{assigns: %{user: user}} = context) do
# Do something
Context.assign(context, %{action_performed_by: user, action_performed?: true})
You don't have to use `%Flamel.Context{}` because `Flamel.Context` uses protocols. You can implement the `Flamel.Contextable` protocol for your own data type. Look at the interals of `Flamel.Retryable.Exponential` and `Flamel.Retryable.Linear` for an example.
### Retryable (experimental)
Retryable functions that retry based on different strategies. Right now Linear and Exponential are the only 2 implemented but you can implement your own since the retry strategy uses two protocols (`Flamel.Contextable` and `Flamel.Retryable.Strategy`).
strategy = %Flamel.Retryable.Linear{} # or Flamel.Retryable.linear()
Flamel.Retryable.try(strategy, fn strategy -> {:ok, "success", strategy} end)
{:ok, "success", strategy}
You can also assign values to the strategy since it implements `Flamel.Contextable`.
strategy = %Flamel.Retryable.Exponential{} # or Flamel.Retryable.exponential()
import Flamel.Context
Flamel.Retryable.try(strategy, fn strategy ->
case make_http_request(url, payload) do
{:ok, result} ->
{:ok, result, strategy}
{:error, status, reason} ->
{:error, reason, assign(strategy, :http_status, status)}
{:ok, "success", strategy}
There is a `Flamel.Retryable.Http` strategy but it currently just implements the Exponential strategy. The intent is to
change the retry interval based on the HTTP status but this is not implemented yet. PRs are welcome. ;)
### Delayed Task (experimental)
Executes an `Task.async` with a delay.
task =
fn ->
result = Task.await(task)
### Module
Detect if a module implements a behaviour.
Flamel.Module.implements?(MyApp.Sender, MyApp.Worker) == true
### Predicates
Flamel.blank?(%{}) == true
# present is the opposite of blank?
Flamel.present?(%{}) == false
### Conversions
Flamel.to_boolean("Y") == true
Flamel.to_integer(nil) == ""
Flamel.to_integer(1) == 1
Flamel.to_float(nil) == 0.0
Flamel.to_float(1) == 1.0
Flamel.to_string(nil) == ""
### DateTime
Flamel.Moment.to_datetime("2000-10-31T01:30:00.000-05:00") == ~U[2000-10-31 06:30:00.000Z]
Flamel.Moment.to_datetime(~N[2019-10-31 23:00:07]) == ~N[2019-10-31 23:00:07]
Flamel.Moment.to_date(~D[2000-10-31]) == ~D[2000-10-31]
Flamel.Moment.to_date("2000-10-31") == ~D[2000-10-31]
Flamel.Moment.to_iso8601(~U[2000-10-31 06:30:00.000Z]) == "2000-10-31T06:30:00.000Z"
Flamel.Moment.to_iso8601(~D[2019-10-31]) == "2019-10-31"
All of the to_* functions are implemented using [Protocols](https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/1.16/protocols.html). So you can implement you own behavior for types that do not already have implementations.
### Current Time Mocking
In your application code you will need to use `Flamel.Moment.CurrentTime`:
now = Flamel.Moment.CurrentTime.utc_now()
Then if you want to mock the current time you can call `Flamel.Moment.CurrentTime.time_travel` in your test:
now = DateTime.utc_now() |> DateTime.add(3600, :second)
Flamel.Moment.CurrentTime.time_travel(now) do
# inside here the current time is mocked to the value you pass to time_travel
assert Flamel.Moment.CurrentTime.utc_now() == now
# outside the block we are back to unmocked time
***IMPORTANT: This mocking only applies to the process that `Flamel.Moment.CurrentTime.time_travel` is called in***
### Number
Flamel.Number.clamp(-10, 0) == 0
Flamel.Number.clamp(10, 0) == 10
Flamel.Number.clamp(10, 0, 5) == 5
### Maps/Structs
Flamel.Map.atomize_keys(%{"first_name" => "Thomas", "dob" => "07/01/1981"}) == %{first_name: "Thomas", dob: "07/01/1981"}
map =
%{assigns: %{hobbies: ["playing"]}},
set: [name: "Osa"],
push: [hobbies: ["soccer", "coloring"]]
get_in(map, [:assigns, :hobbies]) == ["soccer", "coloring", "playing"]
get_in(map, [:assigns, :name]) == "Osa"
Flamel.Map.Indifferent.get(%{test: "value"}, "test") == "value"
Flamel.Map.Indifferent.get(%{test: "value"}, :test) == "value"
Flamel.Map.Safely.get(%Person{name: "Todd"}, &String.upcase(&1.name)) == "TODD"
Flamel.Map.Safely.get(%{name: "Todd"}, &String.upcase(&1.bad_field), "N/A") == "N/A"
Flamel.Map.put_if_present(%{name: "Todd"}, :name, nil) == %{name: "Todd"}
Flamel.Map.put_if_present(%{name: "Todd"}, :name, "Bob") == %{name: "Bob"}
Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](https://github.com/elixir-lang/ex_doc)
and published on [HexDocs](https://hexdocs.pm). Once published, the docs can
be found at <https://hexdocs.pm/flamel>.