# FlatTree

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You can represent a binary tree in a simple flat list using the following structure:

  1       5
0   2   4   6  ...

Flat Trees are the core data structure that power [Hypercore feeds]( This Elixir implementation is adapted from [mafintosh/flat-tree]( More details can be found [here](

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `flat_tree` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:flat_tree, "~> 0.1.0"}

## Usage

`FlatTree` exposes a series of functions to help you build and maintain this data structure.

import FlatTree

list = []
i = FlatTree.index(0, 0) # get array index for depth: 0, offset: 0
j = FlatTree.index(1, 0) # get array index for depth: 1, offset: 0

# use these indexes to store some data
list = List.insert_at(list, i, "a")
list = List.insert_at(list, j, "b")
list = List.insert_at(list, FlatTree.parent(i), "parent of a and b")