# FleetApi

An elixir wrapper for the [Fleet API]( Connect to the API running on one of your fleet cluster nodes using either a direct node URL or an [etcd]( etcd token.

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## Usage
### etcd token

*Note that this is a config value you can set to override the port used to connect to the Fleet API when using an etcd token.*
In your app's config, you can set

config :fleet_api, :etcd
  fix_port_number: true,
  api_port: 4001
To get the api to use the correct port, regardless of what might be stored in etcd.

{:ok, pid} = FleetApi.Etcd.start_link("your etcd token")
{:ok, units} = FleetApi.Etcd.list_units

[%FleetApi.Unit{currentState: "launched", desiredState: "launched",
  machineID: "820c30c0867844129d63f4409871ba39", name: "subgun-http.service",
  options: [%FleetApi.UnitOption{name: "Description", section: "Unit",
    value: "subgun"},
   %FleetApi.UnitOption{name: "ExecStartPre", section: "Service",
    value: "-/usr/bin/docker kill subgun-%i"},
   %FleetApi.UnitOption{name: "ExecStartPre", section: "Service",
    value: "-/usr/bin/docker rm subgun-%i"}...]

### Direct node URL

{:ok, pid} = FleetApi.Direct.start_link("http://your-node-host-or-ip:7002")
{:ok, units} = FleetApi.Direct.list_units

[%FleetApi.Unit{currentState: "launched", desiredState: "launched",
  machineID: "820c30c0867844129d63f4409871ba39", name: "subgun-http.service",
  options: [%FleetApi.UnitOption{name: "Description", section: "Unit",
    value: "subgun"},
   %FleetApi.UnitOption{name: "ExecStartPre", section: "Service",
    value: "-/usr/bin/docker kill subgun-%i"},
   %FleetApi.UnitOption{name: "ExecStartPre", section: "Service",
    value: "-/usr/bin/docker rm subgun-%i"}...]