# Flickrex

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Flickr client library for Elixir.

The package has two main modules:

* `Flickrex` - handles configuration and authentication for the API.
* `Flickr` - mirrors the Flickr API method namespace.

[Documentation for Flickrex is available on hexdocs](<br/>
[Source code is available on Github](<br/>
[Package is available on hex](

## Hello World

flickrex =
photos = Flickr.Photos.get_recent(flickrex)

## Installation

Add `flickrex` to your list of applications and dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def application do
  [applications: [:logger, :flickrex]]

def deps do
  [{:flickrex, "~> 0.1.0"}]

## Configuration

[Create an application]( on
Flickr and add the API keys to your Mix config file:

config :flickrex, :oauth, [
  consumer_key:    "...",
  consumer_secret: "...",

## Usage

### Create a Flickrex config

flickrex =

### Module API

photos = Flickr.Photos.get_recent(flickrex)
id = photos["photos"]["photo"] |> List.first |> Map.get("id")
info = Flickr.Photos.get_info(flickrex, photo_id: id)
title = info["photo"]["title"]["_content"]

### Manual API

photos = Flickrex.get(flickrex, "")
info = Flickrex.get(flickrex, "", photo_id: id)

### Authentication

flickrex =
token = Flickrex.get_request_token(flickrex)
auth_url = Flickrex.get_authorize_url(token)

# Open the URL in your browser, authorize the app, and get the verify token
verify = "..."
flickrex = Flickrex.fetch_access_token(flickrex, token, verify)
login = Flickr.Test.login(flickrex)

# save flickrex.access_token and flickrex.access_token_secret for this user

If the user has already been authenticated, you can reuse the access token and access secret:

tokens = [access_token: "...", access_token_secret: "..."]
flickrex = |> Flickrex.config(tokens)
login = Flickr.Test.login(flickrex)

## Testing

Run the test suite:

mix test

To run a test that hits the Flickr API, set these environment variables to your

Run the test with:

mix test --only flickr_api

## Development

The `Flickr` modules are generated using data from the Flickr APIs reflection
methods. If the API ever changes, new data can be fetched with the Mix task:

mix flickrex.reflect

The data files are commited to the repository so that network and API access is
not required to compile this library.