
defmodule FloUI.Theme do
  @moduledoc """
  Basic theme for sets for FloUI

  ``` elixir

  Pick a preset

  ``` elixir


  alias Scenic.Primitive.Style.Paint.Color

  @flo_base %{
    text: :white,
    active_text: :black,
    background: {64, 64, 64},
    border: :light_grey,
    active: :steel_blue,
    thumb: :steel_blue,
    focus: :steel_blue,
    active_text: :black

  @flo_dark Map.merge(@flo_base, %{background: :black})
  @flo_light Map.merge(@flo_base, %{text: :black, active_text: :white, background: :gainsboro})

  # @flo_primary Map.merge(@flo_base, %{
  #                text: :black,
  #                background: :grey,
  #                border: {84, 84, 84},
  #                active: {40, 40, 40}
  #              })

  @scrollbar Map.merge(@flo_base, %{
               text: :black,
               active_text: :black,
               background: :grey,
               border: {84, 84, 84},
               active: {40, 40, 40}

  # specialty themes
  @primary Map.merge(@flo_base, %{text: :white, active_text: :black, background: :steel_blue, active: {8, 86, 136}})
  @secondary Map.merge(@flo_base, %{background: {111, 117, 125}, active_text: :black, active: {86, 90, 95}})
  @success Map.merge(@flo_base, %{background: {99, 163, 74}, active_text: :black, active: {74, 123, 56}})
  @danger Map.merge(@flo_base, %{background: {191, 72, 71}, active_text: :black, active: {164, 54, 51}})
  @warning Map.merge(@flo_base, %{background: {239, 196, 42}, active_text: :black, active: {197, 160, 31}})
  @info Map.merge(@flo_base, %{background: {94, 159, 183}, active_text: :black, active: {70, 119, 138}})
  @text Map.merge(@flo_base, %{text: {72, 122, 252}, active_text: :black, background: :clear, active: :clear})

  @themes %{
    base: @flo_base,
    dark: @flo_dark,
    light: @flo_light,
    scrollbar: @scrollbar,
    primary: @primary,
    secondary: @secondary,
    success: @success,
    danger: @danger,
    warning: @warning,
    info: @info,
    text: @text

  # ============================================================================
  # data verification and serialization

  # --------------------------------------------------------
  @doc false
  def info(data),
    do: """
      #{}#{__MODULE__} data must either a preset theme or a map of named colors
      #{IO.ANSI.yellow()}Received: #{inspect(data)}

      The predefined themes are:
      :dark, :light, :primary, :secondary, :success, :danger, :warning, :info, :text

      If you pass in a map of colors, the common ones used in the controls are:
      :text, :background, :border, :active, :thumb, :focus


  # --------------------------------------------------------
  @doc false
  def validate(name) when is_atom(name), do: Map.has_key?(@themes, name)

  def validate(custom) when is_map(custom) do
    Enum.all?(custom, fn {_, color} -> Color.verify(color) end)

  def validate(_), do: false

  # --------------------------------------------------------
  @doc false
  def normalize(theme) when is_atom(theme), do: Map.get(@themes, theme)
  def normalize(theme) when is_map(theme), do: theme

  # --------------------------------------------------------
  @doc false
  def default(), do: Map.get(@themes, :base)

  # --------------------------------------------------------
  @doc false
  def preset(theme), do: Map.get(@themes, theme)