# Flop

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Flop is an Elixir library for making filtering, ordering and pagination with
Ecto a bit easier.

**This library is in early development.**

## Features

- offset-based pagination with `offset`/`limit` or `page`/`page_size`
- cursor-based pagination (aka key set pagination), compatible with Relay pagination arguments
- ordering by multiple fields in multiple directions
- filtering by multiple conditions with diverse operators on multiple fields
- parameter validation
- configurable filterable and sortable fields
- query and meta data helpers
- Relay connection formatter (edges, nodes and page info)

## Installation

Add `flop` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:flop, "~> 0.9.0"}

If you want to configure a default repo, add this to your config file:

config :flop, repo: MyApp.Repo

## Usage

### Define sortable and filterable fields

If you want the order by and filter fields to be validated, configure the
sortable and filterable fields in your Ecto schema like this:

defmodule MyApp.Pet do
  use Ecto.Schema

  @derive {Flop.Schema,
           filterable: [:name, :species], sortable: [:name, :age, :species]}

  schema "pets" do
    field :name, :string
    field :age, :integer
    field :species, :string
    field :social_security_number, :string

See [Flop.Schema documentation]( for more options.

### Query data

You can use `Flop.validate_and_run/3` or `Flop.validate_and_run!/3` to validate
the Flop parameters, retrieve the data from the database and get the meta data
for pagination in one go.

defmodule MyApp.Pets do
  import Ecto.Query, warn: false

  alias Ecto.Changeset
  alias Flop
  alias MyApp.{Pet, Repo}

  @spec list_pets(Flop.t()) ::
          {:ok, {[Pet.t()], Flop.Meta.t}} | {:error, Changeset.t()}
  def list_pets(flop \\ %Flop{}) do
    Flop.validate_and_run(Pet, flop, for: Pet)

The `for` option sets the Ecto schema for which you derived `Flop.Schema`. If
you didn't derive Flop.Schema as described above and don't care to do so,
you can omit this option.

On success, `Flop.validate_and_run/3` returns an `:ok` tuple, with the second
element being a tuple with the data and the meta data.

{:ok, {[%Pet{}], %Flop.Meta{}}}

Consult the [docs]( for more info on the
`Meta` struct.

If you prefer to validate the parameters in your controllers, you can use
`Flop.validate/2` or `Flop.validate!/2` and `` instead.

defmodule MyAppWeb.PetController do
  use MyAppWeb, :controller

  alias Flop
  alias MyApp.Pets
  alias MyApp.Pets.Pet

  action_fallback MyAppWeb.FallbackController

  def index(conn, params) do
    with {:ok, flop} <- Flop.validate(params, for: Pet) do
      pets = Pets.list_pets(flop)
      render(conn, "index.html", pets: pets)

defmodule MyApp.Pets do
  import Ecto.Query, warn: false

  alias Flop
  alias MyApp.Pets.Pet
  alias MyApp.Repo

  @spec list_pets(Flop.t()) :: {[Pet.t()], Flop.Meta.t}
  def list_pets(flop \\ %Flop{}) do, flop, for: Pet)

If you only need the data, or if you only need the meta data, you can also
call `Flop.all/3`, `Flop.meta/3` or `Flop.count/3` directly.

If you didn't configure a default repo as described above or if you want to
override the default repo, you can pass it as an option to any function that
uses the repo:

Flop.validate_and_run(Pet, flop, repo: MyApp.Repo)
Flop.all(Pet, flop, repo: MyApp.Repo)
Flop.meta(Pet, flop, repo: MyApp.Repo)
# etc.

See the [docs]( for more information.

## Flop Phoenix

[Flop Phoenix]( is a companion library that defines view helpers for use in Phoenix templates.