# Flux AMQP
Interface to connect to AMQP broker, sending and retrieving messages.
It uses `AMQP`, check their documentation to understand
how this library perform the connection, configuration, consumption and delivery of
AMQP messages.
## Usage
Add [Flux AMQP](https://hex.pm/packages/flux_amqp) as a dependency in your
`mix.exs` file:
def deps do
[{:flux_amqp, "~> 0.0.5"}]
`FluxAMQP` describes how to define and close a connection and how to send a message.
`FluxAMQP.Consumer` describes how to consume AMQP messages.
## Application Configuration
import Config
# Default values
config :flux_amqp,
broker: [
uri: "amqp://guest:guest@rabbitmq",
connection: [
prefetch_count: 50,
reattempt_connection_on_failure?: true,
reattempt: [
maximum_attempts: :infinity,
waiting_ms: 10_000
routing_keys: []
### Configuration Options
- `:broker` - Set the AMQP broker. Accepts `t:keyword/0`. Options are:
- `:uri` - The AMQP Broker URI. Defaults to `amqp://guest:guest@rabbitmq`.
Accepts `t:String.t/0`.
- `:connection` - Set the AMQP broker connection. Accepts `t:keyword/0`.
Options are:
- `:prefetch_count` - Set the maximum amount of non-acknowledged messages
each consumer will retain. Defaults to `50`. Accepts `t:integer/0`.
- `:reattempt_connection_on_failure?` - If `true`, when a connection to
AMQP broker fails, a reattempt will be performed. Defaults to `true`.
Accepts `t:boolean/0`.
- `:reattempt` - Set the reattempt settings. Accepts `t:keyword/0`.
Options are:
- `:maximum_attempts` - How many attempts should be performed in case of
connection failure. If set to `:infinity`, it will try until connection
succeeds. Defaults to `:infinity`. Accepts `t:integer/0` or
- `:waiting_ms` - How many milliseconds should wait before reattempting
connection. Defaults to `10_000`. Accepts `t:integer/0`.
- `:routing_keys` - The AMQP routing keys which the messages will be consumed.
Defaults to an emptt list. Accepts `t:String.t/0`.